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Secrets of Mormonism Videocast series (4) with Pablo Frascini, featuring Ed Decker 3/2023 |
What About the Word "Cult?" (Pastor Robert Jeffress, Mormonism, Mitt Romney and the Media) |
Five Minutes with the Cultist at Your Door - Ed Decker |
Eric Hosts "Understanding the Times" Radio 6/25/2011 on Could Mormonism EVER Considered to be Christian? (Guests: Former Mormons Ed Decker and Jim Spencer) |
Glenn Beck's New Book Reveals He Embraces New Age Theology, Is a Knowledgeable Mormon, and a Universalist - Brannon Howse |
The Emergent Mormon Church - Ed Decker |
Mormons and Christians: How far is too far? |
Before You Jump on Mitt Romney's Bandwagon... |
The Common Ground of Rick Warren & Mitt Romney |
Mormons Are Christians? Joel Osteen Declares that Romney's "Jesus is Our Jesus |
D.N.A. & the Book of Mormon - UPDATE |
Dating a cultist (in this case a Mormon) is nothing but TROUBLE! |
They Teach a "Different Jesus!" (Why Mormonism is Wrong, If For No Other Reason) |
The Mormon Church and its Desperate Attempt to Appear "Christian" |
Tell Me Again, You Are My Brother? - Jim Spencer |
Why I Love Mormons but not Mormonism - Jim Spencer Why Christians Cannot Afford to Validate Mormonism - Jim Spencer |
OUT of Mormonism! - Ed Decker's Story |
My Journey out of Mormonism - Dianne Pomon's Story |
Joseph Smith and the Temple of Doom
When the Watchtower Knocks - quick tips to reach the JW's at your door |
Five Minutes with the Cultist at Your Door - Ed Decker |
Witnessing to Jehovah's Witnesses - Natalie Pappas |
Witnessing to "the Witnesses" - Ed Decker |
Jehovah's Witness Lecture Notes - Ed Decker |
Questions To ask Jehovah's Witnesses
Freemasonry: The Trojan Horse - Pastor Pierce Dodson |
A Biblical Look at The Masonic Lodge - Ed Decker |
The FATAL Flaw of the Eastern Star
Doctrines of Demons - Universalism - David Shibley |
NOTE: There are many fine folks in the Seventh Day Adventist (SDA) Church. It is our belief that many of them are indeed Christians and are honestly and truly redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ. However, there has been considerable official SDA teaching which is centered in works-based, Law-keeping, Old Testament beliefs, such as mandatory Sabbath worship as a prerequisite to be saved. Just as troubling is the much discussed position of SDA founder, Ellen G. White concerning the identity and full deity of Jesus Christ. Mrs. White apparently held to a position related to that of Arius, the fourth century heretic who did not believe that Jesus Christ was a part of the Godhead. Today, most Adventist leaders, and probably a larger percentage of laypeople, hold to an orthodox view of the Trinity and reject the speculation that Jesus was Michael the Arch Angel, a position help by the Millerites and their now estranged cousins, the Jehovah's Witnesses. I (Eric Barger) have had many detailed discussions on these issues with Adventists. Many who have contacted me to challenge me do so because they have been taught that Sabbath worship is mandatory for salvation. I believe that anyone believing this is trusting in "Jesus plus their own works" and is in spiritual jeopardy. However, though not central to one's salvation, I find the most egregious official SDA Church position (i.e., the one farthest from orthodoxy that today's Adventists hold to) is their beliefs about eschatology and the end times. Are they a Cult? I can't say that everyone who embraces the SDA is cultic. It does appear that the higher one seems to hold Mrs. White in esteem, the further away from orthodox Christianity one moves. But just as with each person in every church today, we need to individually examine what we believe against the backdrop of the Bible - not whether its Baptist, Pentecostal, Lutheran, or Adventist, etc - to see if we have either added to or subtracted from the central or essential doctrines that comprise the Christian faith. For more on this topic I suggest folks download or order a copy of my 24 page Take A Stand! Journal What Every Christian Should Know About Seventh-Day Adventism and Israel in the Last Days. Click Here for more. |
Seventh Day Adventists: Christian or Cultic? - Dr. David Reagan |
SDA Errors in Eschatology - Dr. David Reagan (see page 12 and following of this file)
Jesus Paid the Cost So We Could Reach the Lost! - Ed Decker & Eric Barger |
What is a Cult? - Jim Spencer |
Jesus and the Cults - Ed Decker |
Witnessing to the Cults - Ed Decker |
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