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(False) Gospel
of Inclusion
New Heresy Claiming Victims in the Name of Love
By Eric Barger
For some time I have been very concerned over an idea that is garnering growing
acceptance in some parts of the body of Christ. It is the idea that since Jesus came and
died for the sins of the whole world, then the whole world is indeed, saved. It is an
offshoot of old fashioned universalism that is being preached by several men such as
well-known Oklahoma pastor, Carlton Pearson and an Illinois preacher named Mike Williams.
Oral Roberts, Marilyn Hickey, T.D. Jakes and others have
attempted to dialog with Pearson to no avail. (info here)
Pearson's doctrine has also been deemed "heretical" by other Christian leaders.
(info here)
I began receiving Williams' emails a few months ago and though they
were laced with Scripture and Christian jargon from the very get go it was easy to spot
the universalistic heresy therein. Obviously, there are very powerful forces at work to
derail any Christian off into this mess. Besides demonic seduction, I surmise that those
who are buying this new "gospel" are doing so because they are finding it too
much bother to live a life worthy of the calling of Christ. Following Jesus' own
admonitions, let alone that of Paul, Peter, James and other New Testament writers has
given way to trusting the LIE that all men are already saved so holy living and
righteousness are part of an old antiquated system.
In an email to Williams' ministry recently I stated:
"Jesus did NOT teach universalism. Quite the contrary
actually. He taught that He was the way the truth and the life and that no man would be
saved without Him. Moslems hate that message. Jews too. I am happy to say that many from
Islamic and Jewish backgrounds ARE finding Jesus Christ, but they won't ALL be saved. Not
even close.
It is an absolute affront to the Cross of Christ - a slap in the face to God - to believe
that "all" will be saved or that there is any other way than through repentance
of sin, believing in Jesus redemptive work on the Cross. If there were ANY other
way to get to Heaven and be free of eternal damnation, or if there was going to be true
then our loving God sent His only Son to die a horrid, painful. torturous and needless
death on the cross! What Father would do that if there were any other way. Scripture is
replete with contextual proof that neither the old or new testaments ever elude to
universal salvation for all men. Instead, the Scripture teaches that without faith (in
Jesus) it is impossible to please God and without Jesus as savior by faith you and I
eternally damned."
Last month (October 2002) Williams took part in Pearson's "Contending for the Faith Once Delivered Summit" in
Tulsa. How twisted to infer the use of Jude 3 when the gospel they are holding to is
anything BUT the faith, once delivered to the saints!
My fellow minister, Michael
Tummillo, has written a terrific piece on this subject. I have included it here and
hope that you'll not only read it and be warned about this growing heresy but that you'll
tap into Michael's resources, in particular his email newsletter (see link at the end of
his article).
Please join me in warning others about this insidious
end-time heresy. Think of how many people may be adversely effected by the Gospel of
Inclusion." Also, please pray earnestly for Carlton Pearson, Mike Williams and others
in this trap that they might repent (something they sadly no longer believe in) and turn
back to the truth.
Bless you as you truly contend for the authentic, historic

The Universalist Myth
"There are many roads leading to Heaven," some say.
A man with whom I was once discussing spiritual
things angrily closed the conversation with the words, "You have your truth and I
have mine!"
He was a professing Christian.
Lots of folks, even those calling themselves Christians, actually agree with such
nonsense. In this day of political correctness, ultra-tolerance, and ecumenism,
let's face it, this kind of attitude fits right in. Kinda warm and fuzzy.
These are lies!
Jesus said, "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad
is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the
gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only few find it," (Matthew
7:13-14). Don't be deceived by the crowded pews on Sunday mornings, folks. By Christ's own
definition, very few pew potatoes qualify to be called His disciples.
Consider God becoming a man and dying on the cross so we can have forgiveness and eternal
life in Heaven. Consider people over the centuries either accepting or rejecting
God's love. Now, consider all those who died and suffered as martyrs (and still do!)
for their faith in Christ. Then, imagine the end of time, judgment day, all of
mankind standing before God. He shrugs His shoulders and says, "Oh, all right
...ya'll come on in!"
Not a chance. Not because God wants anybody going to Hell. He doesn't.
The Bible clearly says God does not want "anyone to perish, but everyone to come
to repentance" (2 Peter 3:9). And He provides EVERY opportunity for us to
do so.
The Universalist asks, "How could a loving God send anyone to Hell?" Again,
He doesn't. We send ourselves by making that choice, refusing God's love and
deciding not to make Jesus our Lord.
A recent Agape Press article began with the headline:
'Gospel of Inclusion' Draws Attention, Stirs Controversy: Tulsa Bishop Says Conversion
Through Christ Unnecessary. The article goes on to say: "A Pentecostal
bishop in Oklahoma continues to stir controversy with his teaching that Jesus Christ has
saved everyone, regardless whether they accept Christ as their Savior.
"Carlton Pearson ... has raised eyebrows
among his fellow evangelicals recently for preaching what he calls the "gospel of
inclusion." Associated Press says other prominent ministers have denounced him for
teaching that Jesus has saved everyone -- both believers and unbelievers. He teaches that
sincere people who do not directly acknowledge Christ -- such as Muslims, Hindus,
Buddhists, and Unitarians -- will go to heaven. Consequently, according to Pearson,
conversion is unnecessary. "The finished work of Christ at Calvary redeemed all of
humanity, not just Christians, back to God," Pearson says. "The whole world is
already saved -- they just don't know it."
"Pearson goes as far as to say that a God who
eternally condemns non-Christians would be worse than Hitler. "Hitler killed six
million [people], mostly Jews. He is the most despised man in the twentieth century. Is
God worse than Hitler, who's going to burn eternally, endlessly, billions of people?"
"Many Christians who consider Pearson's teaching
heresy will likely point to his views on the Bible as the source of his error. "I'm
saying, don't put your trust in the Bible -- put your trust in God. [The Bible] shouldn't
be an idol. This is paper and ink."
"Pearson is opening a three-day conference at
his church today entitled "Contending for the Faith Once Delivered Summit," at
which the "gospel of inclusion" is to be the main focus. Speakers at the
three-day conference include Pearson himself as well as several others who are proponents
of universalism.
"But Charisma News reports that at least one
scheduled speaker has asked to be removed from the list of scheduled speakers. Pastor
Michael Pitts of Cornerstone Church in Toledo, Ohio, says he has been "deeply
troubled and concerned" about the direction Pearson's ministry has taken...
When Shirley McLaine was out
spouting her new revelation that she was God, appearing on talk shows, in magazines,
authoring a book entitled "Out On A Limb" and appearing in a TV movie by the
same name, author F. LaGarde Smith attended one of her workshops ($500 per attendee).
I recall hearing him tell of his astonishment as Shirley opened the program with
the words, "Remember the words of Jesus and of Buddha... be still and know that YOU
are God." He gasped in unbelief and looked around at the other attendees who sat
merely smiling and nodding.
Poster children for Biblical Illiteracy every one!
These are prime examples of why it is that Christians
must fulfill Christ's command to "go and make disciples" (Matthew 28:19),
sharing the TRUTH of Scripture with everyone by any means possible. Someday, that
opportunity will be gone for everybody. Maybe someone you love. we're living in the
era of the false prophet where heretical teachings abound. Jesus said there'd be days like
this before His return. Now is the time: the TRUTH of Scripture MUST BE TAUGHT!
Who will go for the cause of Christ, bringing the Church TO the people?
Who will even dare to forward this eMail to others as a warning?
John 6:68
John 14:6
Revelation 20:12-15
2 Corinthians 13:5
There are MANY ways to make disciples. The BEST way, is by our OWN example.
WARNING: someone is ALWAYS watching you! Do it right in private (at
home with your kids, sibs, mom and dad) so that, when you go public, you won't be faking
it. That way you can ALWAYS be yourself, at home, school, and at work.
A Christian 24/7! A living epistle read by all.
Michael, a servant of God
t.e.a.m. ministries . . . reaching the largest congregation on
planet earth!
A Ministry of Discipleship & Encouragement to the Body of
P.O. Box 633 Stephenville, TX
Email - Team1min@aol.com
"The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!"
(Matthew 10:7)