The Emergent
Church/Postmodernism |
Errors of the Emergent Church by Eric Barger |
Is Your Church New Age, Emergent, or Christian? by Eric Barger |
How to Spot the Emergent Church by Eric Barger (*
Go here
for printable tri-fold pamphlet) |
Divorced FROM
Church by Eric Barger |
Stanley's Twisted View of Scripture - from Take A Stand! TV |
in Our Midst - The Dangers of Contemplative Christianity -
from Take A Stand! TV |
The Sheep and the Goats
and the Social Justice Crowd
by Eric Barger |
Validity of the Bible, Emergent Heresy, and Sound Doctrine
- "Christ in Prophecy" TV series with Dr. David Reagan and Nathan Jones) |
Understanding the 'New,' Truly Confused Evangelicals
(pt1) by Eric Barger |
The 'New,' Confused Evangelicals - What to Watch For (pt2) by Eric Barger |
The New, Confused Evangelicals - "Understanding the Times" Radio with Eric
Barger and Larry Lutzler
online or download as an MP3 file) |
What are some
concerns of American pastors? - part 1 Olive Tree
Video Series 2013 with Eric Barger |
What is
the primary concern facing the Evangelical Church today? - part 2 Olive
Tree Video Series 2013 with Eric Barger |
for pastors on confronting divergent or aberrant teaching - part 3 Olive
Tree Video Series 2013 with Eric Barger |
Eric interviews Pastor, filmmaker, and author,
Joe Schimmel, on his documentary The Submerging Church. All
4 parts of this "Take A Stand! Radio" series are archived
here. Order the CD
set with Joe Schimmel
here. |
exposing the Emergent Church philosophy relating to issues inside The Church
of the Nazarene |
Apostasy's Results: The Scattering of the Sheep - Understanding the
Times Radio with Eric Barger
and Jan Markell
online or download as an MP3 file) |
The Growth of "Spiritual Formation" Programs in Evangelical Seminaries and
Colleges by John Haller |
Confused about "kingdom circles" and the
convolution of commonality of religions instead of the exclusivity of Christian faith?
Here are two resources. Elijah Abraham's video "Why 'Kingdom Circles' are
Blasphemous" (Watch)
and Elijah Abraham with Eric Barger on "Understanding the Times"
August, 2014 (Listen). |
The Seductive Poison of Apostasy - A Review of the New Nazarene Book 180 by Eric Barger |
Putting Apostates in Their Place - Eric Barger and Dr. David Reagan
comment on a New York Times op-ed by two heretical Nazarene
professors, Dr. Karl Giberson and Dr. Randall Stephens |
Heaven, Hell, and Emergent Heresy by
Eric Barger |
Isn't An Option by Eric Barger |
Surprise, Surprise, Brian
McLaren aligns with New Age Leaders by Eric Barger |
What's So Bad About the Emergent Church? -
Understanding the Times Radio with Eric Barger
and Jan Markell
online or download as an MP3 file) |
What is the Emergent
Church? (Clip excerpted from Eric's video) |
Emergent Church and
Nazarenes (Clip excerpted from Eric's video) |
"Strange Disciplines" from Christianity Today By
Eric Barger |
List of Contemplative/Mystics recommended by Christianity Today |
Blessed Are The Compromisers? By
Eric Barger |
Report on
Emerging Leader Brian McLaren's "Everything Must Change" Conference by
Pastor Chris Bayer |
Emerging Church: Revival of Return to Darkness by Roger Oakland |
Jim Spencer on
The Emergent Church |
The Emergent Mormon Church by Ed Decker |
Failure to Translate: Muslim-Sensitive Bible
Translations |
Listen to the Take
A Stand! Radio Series on Chrislam and Failure to Translate (aired Feb/March
2012) |
'Muslim Friendly' Bible Translations: Round Two |
Book Review from David Irvine of Muslims, Christians, and Jesus
by Carl Medearis |
Leaders and School Children follow “his holiness” the Dalai Lama to Seattle |
Is Postmodernism a Myth? by Sean McDowell |
The Shack |
Death of Discernment - How The Shack
Became the #1 Bestseller in Christianity
by Eric Barger |
Eric Barger Exposes the Truth about The Shack
in this important DVD |
Barger and Dr. James B. De Young discuss The Shack on Take A Stand!
TV |
Barger and Dr. James B. De Young discuss Paul Young's OTHER Books on Take A Stand!
TV |
Articles about The
- by Dr. James B. DeYoung |
Al Mohler on The Shack
click" link to download MP3 audio file.) |
Seeker, Purpose Driven, etc. |
The MOST Dangerous Cult |
Examining the Purpose Driven Philosophy (complete 30 page report
on "Purpose Driven") |
Discernment or Deception: Which Will You Choose? - Take A Stand! Radio
and video clip |
Eric Hosts
"Understanding the Times" Radio (5/14/2011) on "Covenant" theology
and the problematic book "The Hole in Our Gospel" |
Eric Hosts
"Understanding the Times" Radio (5/7/2011) on Spiritual Liberalism/The Most
Dangerous Cult |
Eric Hosts
"Understanding the Times" Radio (5/7/2011) on Divorced From Church/The Price
Pastors Pay |
Divorced From Church - How Apostasy is Scattering the Sheep |
More on "Divorced From Church" |
Manny Silva on "Divorced From The Church |
The Deception of
Chrislam (Video Intro Clip 12:01 Min) |
The Deception of Chrislam (Article) |
Review from David Irvine of Muslims, Christians, and Jesus by Carl
Medearis |
Where Are
Evangelicals Heading? |
Putting Apostates in Their Place |
More Troubling Endorsements from Rick Warren |
Zondervan to Discontinue the Original NIV Bible |
Leith Anderson "Fiddles" (with Marxists) While the Church Burns |
The Hole in Our Gospel? - Why Richard Sterns Misses the Mark - a
critique by
Pastor Paul Van Noy |
Problems with Covenant Theology - Pastor Paul Van Noy |
Limited Inerrancy in the Church of the Nazarene
by Manny Silva |
Evangelicals Courting the Mormons? by Eric Barger |
Warren, Hybels
and others affirm that Jehovah and Allah are One at Yale
by Eric Barger |
When I Thought I Could Say Amen (Is the "Isa" of Islam the Jesus of the
Bible?) |
on "Just When I Thought I Could Say "Amen"
by Eric Barger |
Review - Another Look at Rick Warren
by Eric Barger |
Warren to Speak at Islamic Society Convention, July 2009
by Eric Barger |
Christianity: Extreme
Makeover Version:
The Modern Church Growth Movement - Growing the Wrong Way
by Eric Barger |
Our Disturbing Spiritual Condition - The "feel good" gospel lets people down ("Purpose Driven Philosophy") |
Will They
Say of Us... "They WERE the Evangelicals?" (Repentance and the
"Purpose Driven Philosophy") |
Handling Disunity - Rick Warren's Way |
Common Ground of Rick Warren & Mitt Romney |
Warren Should Have Rejected Obama's Offer
by Eric Barger |
Willow Creek
Admits "Seeker Sensitive" a Failure |
Mormons Are Christians? Joel
Osteen Declares that Romney's "Jesus is Our Jesus |
The Sons of Belial Are Among Us
- When Leaders Mislead and "Close" Becomes Acceptable |
Chapel (Pastor Chuck Smith) denounces and warns of the "Emerging Church"
movement |
Entertained to
- Is seeker-driven entertainment a viable option for growing your Church? |
Leaders from Hell?
by Eric Barger |
Tony Campolo:
In His Own Words by Manny Silva |
An Evangelical
Response to "An Evangelical Manifesto"
by Albert Mohler |
Why I am NOT
Signing the "Evangelical Manifesto" by Richard Land |
"Evangelical" MELTDOWN as Christians agree on inviting Muslim clerics into
church pulpits! Can Global Religion be far behind? |
WHAT? Just
plain odd |
Eastern Orthodox and the Bible Answer Man with Eric Barger and Jill
Martin Rische |
Issues of Discernment and the "Gotcha" Apologists |
When Discernment
Turns Ugly
by Eric Barger
Eric Barger a "Catholic"??? Huh?
by Eric Barger
Clearing up
the Misconceptions about The Apostles Creed - Could it be Catholic?
by Eric Barger
The Apostles Creed and the Discerners
a video response by Eric Barger |
The Misconceptions of
Apologetics Ministry
by Eric Barger
Is hyper-critical name calling REALLY contending for the Faith?
by Eric Barger
The NIV Bible
Controversy |
Zondervan to Discontinue the Original NIV Bible |
Creation/Evolution |
Isn't Evolution Based on Science and Creation Just a Religious Belief? by
Jay Seegert |
Are Public School
Science Teachers Actually Lying to Our Children?
- Jay Seegert |
Science and Religion Aren't Friends? by Dr. Al Mohler |
Choosing Evolution Over The Bible |
Putting Apostates in Their Place by Eric Barger and Dr. David
Reagan |
Open Theism and “Christian” (theistic) Evolution At Eastern Nazarene College? |
Open Theism |
Matt Slick on refuting Open Theism - Great info here! |
Open Theism answered
from |
Theism - from an open theist viewpoint |
Three primary proponents of
Open Theism |
Open Theism and “Christian” (theistic) Evolution At Eastern Nazarene College? |
Universalism, or "Inclusionism" in the Church |
Already Saved? - Some thoughts on Universal Reconciliation of "Christian
Universalism |
Universalism: Is Everyone ALREADY Saved? |
The "Universal" Mistake |
The Gospel of Inclusion
(Universalism in the Church) |
Pearson's "Inclusionism" Heresy |
Doctrines of
Demons by Dr. David Shibley |
End of the World? |
Oh Great! Today is the end of the World?
by Eric Barger |
Unraveling "The Great Sign" - Understanding September 23, 2017
by Eric Barger |
Stop the Hysteria!
by Eric Barger |
Judgment Day??? - I'm scheduled to preach that day! by Eric Barger |
The Worst Thing Imaginable! (RE: Harold Camping and the May 21
end-of-the-world prophecy) |
Silence is NOT an
Option! - Harold Camping and the relevancy of Bible Prophecy |
Will This Ship of Fools Sink May 22? by Jan Markell |
The End of the World in Coming Again by Ed Decker |
Harold Camping - The
Madness of Date Setting by Dr. David Reagan |
The End is Near? - The False Teaching of Harold Camping by Dr. Albert
Mohler |
Dr. Mark Hitchcock on the factors involved in 2012 and the Mayan Calendar Controversy |
Alpha Course |
Course info links from Lighthouse Trails |
New Age of Alpha by Dusty Peterson |
Harbinger |
America's Legacy: Will We Heed "The Harbinger?"
by Eric Barger |
Harbinger: Fact, Fiction, Confusion, & Reality - Answering the Controversy |
When Christians Engage in Blood Sport
by Jan Markell & Eric Barger |
An Open Letter to The Berean Call by Dwight Douville, Senior Pastor,
Calvary Chapel of Appleton, Wis. |
Why Is This Message Controversial? by Jan Markell Including
The Harbinger: A Review by Terry James of Rapture Ready |
Eric's Related Videos
"The Errors of the Emergent
"Is Your Church New Age,
Emergent, or Christian?"
"The New Truly Confused
Evangelicals" (two DVD set)
"When Emergent Isn't Emergent
"The MOST Dangerous Cult"
"The Death of Discernment:
How The Shack Became the #1 Bestseller in Christianity"
"Universalism: Is Everyone
Already Saved?"
Visit our Online Store to order or get more
information of these DVDs
and all of our other products.
Click here!
See select videos presented by Eric Barger in our
YouTube Channel
