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"Now in our twentieth year of standing for truth!"

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GIVE THANKS - December 2002

As I write I am sitting in a hotel room in Arkansas the day before Thanksgiving. Tonight is the last night of our crusade here hosted by the local Nazarene church in which we have seen some marvelous things happen. After the ministry tonight I’ll drive most of the night so I can be home with my family to celebrate and remember thanksgiving to God tomorrow. By Saturday morning though I’ll be on the way to my next ministry assignment and will spend most of the week preparing for a new video project we are going to record during the Christmas "break."

Through the years many people have commented that they wouldn’t relish being on the road 200+ days a year as I am. However, just this morning as I sat drinking a cup of coffee in our ministry van, I was overwhelmed with joy for the calling God has given me. As I gazed upon the Arkansas hills still replete with autumn colors, His awesome presence filled my vehicle and I whispered thanks to the Father for the many opportunities to serve Him and to make a difference in the lives of others. Today was truly "Thanksgiving Day" for me, just as tomorrow will be as well.


We’ve had a very productive year in every way. Our daughter Kellie had successful open-heart surgery in January for which we praise His wonderful name! We’ve produced several new teaching tools and many articles including the seminar videos, The MOST Dangerous Cult and Islam: The Deadly Doctrines. My latest book, Disarming the Powers of Darkness which outlines personal victory in Spiritual Warfare, is already getting great reviews and is being used by the Lord. And our website (www.ericbarger.com) continues to be a source of information, inspiration and reason aimed at touching the lost assisting Christians in their defense of the faith.

Most importantly, the seminar ministry reached thousands in 2002 with the no-compromise message God laid on our hearts many years ago. For example, in one service last month we saw six conversions to Christ including a ten year-old boy, a teen, a mom in her mid-thirties and a grandmother – all surrendering to God at the same time…in another service we saw nine saved...WOW!


At this moment I have two new booklets nearly completed, a new video underway and am continuing to develop new material for the Take A Stand! Seminar series. Plus, David Benoit and I are working on two outlines that will eventually become books. (David is my coauthor on Entertaining Spirits Unaware and the new release, Disarming the Powers of Darkness.)

Besides all this I’ll be speaking in dozens of churches in 2003 and at least 7 conferences including stops in Peoria, IL, Akron, OH, High Point, NC, Spokane, WA and Los Angeles, CA. As always, the seminar ministry will continue to be the main focal point of the ministry.


Recently, Ruth chapter two has come to my attention and has really spoken to my heart. It is an inspiring picture of the provision of God to those on a mission from Him.

Here, Boaz blesses Ruth to "glean" in his fields and makes provision for her and her mother-in-law, Naomi. This typifies the way God provides for us in this ministry. You, like Boaz, see the need for and validity of the work we do. Knowing your capability to supply, God then opens your heart to allow us to "glean" in your fields.

Gleaning is done at the end of the harvest. It is God’s bounty that is to be gathered before the lean time of winter comes. Otherwise, its usefulness and provision goes to waste. As our ministry approaches what is traditionally the leanest time of the year, I am asking that you examine your "fields" to see if there is still yet a crop to be gleaned from.

In December and January, we are completely dependant on the gifts and offerings gleaned from the fields of those who believe in our ministry. There is no other source of income for us during this time as I am off the road due to the holiday service schedules of churches. Yet the work of planning and preparing goes on - as do the expenses.

I am asking individuals, families, business owners and churches to consider making an end-of-the-year missions gift for the support of the Lord’s work through Take A Stand! Ministries.

You know of our effectiveness and fruitfulness. You know of our dedication and of our longevity. Now we need to know that the select few who we have sent this letter to are standing with us monetarily.

Your gifts both large and small - gleaned in this, our most needy season of the year – are tremendously appreciated and will allow us to use this time off the road to concentrate on the task at hand – that is to make a difference and impact a darkened world for Christ!

In January’s Newsletter I’ll be announcing what is perhaps the boldest outreach we’ve undertaken in the history of our ministry. It is your gifts here in December that will allow us to move ahead into this outreach unfettered.

Thank you so much and may 2003 be the year of God’s richest blessings yet upon your life!

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(All gifts postmarked by December 31st will be receipted for the year 2002. You may also consider giving a "gift in kind" which includes material goods, vehicles or stocks which can be used to further the ministry.)


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You will receive How I Came...From Rock to Rock a new inspirational booklet outlining Eric Barger’s deliverance from drugs, New Age thought and his life as a record producer, recording engineer and rock musician.

This booklet will inspire and encourage you to never give up praying for a lost friend or family member. It will also reach every reader with the uncompromised truth about God's power to deliver those lost in sin and His desire to then use them for His glory.


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You will receive "From Rock to Rock"

Hear Eric tell the inspirational story of how God delivered him, saved his marriage to Melanie and set him free to minister to the lost and hurting across North America.

This presentation has consistently been the central soul-winning tool God has used in our nearly twenty years of traveling ministry.

Recorded live at the Ohio Christian Education Assoc. Conference.

To Give:

Give a Gift Online
(Click Here)

MAIL your check or credit card information along with your gift amount to:

Take A Stand! Ministries
POB 1485
Rowlett, TX 75030

(We gladly accept checks, money orders,
Visa, MasterCard or Discover.)

  PHONE your gift amount and
Credit Card information to:

FAX your gift amount and Credit Card information directly to
my private fax line at:

If you are not already a subscriber to Take A Stand! O N L I N E click here!

Take A Stand! Ministries - POB 1485 - Rowlett, TX 75030
(972) 495-9490           www.ericbarger.com