Update - September 3, 2009
Greetings in the Lord Jesus Christ!
First, I want to welcome over 300 new subscribers to
our email newsletter list! Many of you have recently seen me and become
acquainted with our work through the "Christ in Prophecy" television program
with my friend and brother in the Lord, Dr. David Reagan.
The four programs titled,
"Defending the
Faith" have aired over the past four weeks and conclude this week on
several networks. We have received phone calls and emails from across America
and Canada and from literally around the world which have indicated the great
hunger in the Church today for straightforward, no-nonsense biblical
apologetics. We have read again and again that authentic, born again believers
are yearning for their leaders to return to a clear and complete presentation of
the Gospel accompanied by the fundamental truths found in God's inerrant word.
Through the correspondence we've received lately I can assure
you that saints everywhere are fed up with programs, seeker sensitive, Purpose
Driven, feel good and so called "positive self help" messages being passed off
as somehow the gospel. On Dr. Reagan's programs I hit a
major nerve when I intimated that true evangelicals must reject Emergent,
liberal and unbiblical ideas
and return to preaching and teaching the Bible, focusing on equipping the Church
in the light of eternity.
So many of the saints are simply starving in the pews. For a large number, it is simply an
anomaly to hear someone such as myself proclaim the Bible as true from cover to cover and point
out that many of the silly ideas and practices being passed off today as "the gospel" or as
are not only foolish but deadly.
If we do not wake up and wise up soon we'll be doomed to
repeat the slippery slide into spiritual liberalism that Satan convinced heretic
intellectuals (who led the once great mainline churches) to follow 150 years ago.
They categorically rejected the Bible and adopted the damnable social gospel in
its place and unless we root out every leader, teacher, professor, pastor,
deacon and elder not intent on following the Scriptures, evangelicals today appear
ready to repeat the same folly.
As bleak as it may seem at times and in some places, let me
assure you that there is a REMNANT not willing to bow down! With
one resounding "YES" many have spoken in agreement with what we stated on
the recent "Christ in Prophecy" TV shows. I cannot tell you how reassuring and heartening it has been
for Melanie and me to read and sometimes re-read the many comments and
encouragements to us. Thank you! Thank You! Thank You! (I have listed just a few
of these emails here below.)
As many of you know, I have been traveling and speaking
almost nonstop. This is what we're called to do, though, and it continually pays
eternal dividends for the Kingdom of God. Last Sunday morning in a wonderful
church near Boise, Idaho, five adults - including a precious gentleman easily in
his 80's - prayed to receive Jesus as Savior and invited Him to take control of
their lives at the conclusion of my seminar "The
Most Dangerous Cult!" WOW!!! (Word came to me that some of those who
responded have come out of very unbiblical, liberal church backgrounds.) Still,
having been home only 4 nights in the past 41 days, there hasn't
been a lot of time to write much depth into our email updates. There have been
several issues that I have longed to address but one can pack only just so much
into each day's work. I am at the end stages of writing and now editing my next
book and that, along with speaking, traveling and trying to just keep up with
questions and counseling needs that folks have sent to me, have left me simply plumb out of time.
That was clearly illustrated when last week I awoke at 5am one morning asleep
in the chair in my hotel room, my hands on the keyboard of my laptop! That
wasn't the first time that's happened recently either!
One final note...our ministry van is sitting tonight in front
of a repair shop in Wenatchee, WA, and I am in a borrowed car. We're not sure
how extensive the repair to the van transmission will be but we know its not
going to be cheap. Needless to say, we appreciate any and every
gift of support
as well as the purchase
of ministry products. Year round we are dependent on your support. However,
when bills pile up or we have equipment needs (or van repairs) we especially
need our friends to consider making substantial gifts to the ministry. (Click
Here) Thanks for responding and for your prayers and your continued
support! This is not a day when we can afford to slow down or back off in
proclaiming the messages God has led us in. I believe that with all of my heart
and I know that many of you who read this do as well. God bless you for your
help at this time.
Many blessings as together we take a stand for truth!

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Visit our online Bookstore Here

"Your segments on Christ in Prophecy were some of the most interesting and
thought provoking teachings, revelations I have seen or heard in some time.
There was a lot of discussion about things, topics I have heard before and feel
strongly about- but you added great new perspective and reasoning. You have
quite the gift. May God continue to bless you." Tom (North Carolina)
"I watched the episodes on 'Defending the Faith' and I was just awed by it. It
was so revealing to understand the deceptions that are now going on in the name
of Jesus." Fred (Texas)
"I thoroughly enjoyed the (Christ in Prophecy) TV program and the boldness to
speak the truth about Oprah. I look forward to learning more about your
ministry. God Bless You." Wayne (Oklahoma)
"Thank you for your message. It has opened my eyes to the so called Christian
people in the news and in the church. I have felt a disconnect with some church
people for some time but I did not know why. I could not understand their stand
on so many issues. Thank you for teaching me." Bonnie (Michigan)
"Thank you so much! It is so very refreshing to hear
someone out there speaking the truth." Cari (Idaho)
"God is using your ministry to ensure the TRUTH
about Jesus will continue till His return. May He bless your work for His glory.
Your brother in Christ." Tom (Michigan)
Enoch writes from India with disturbing news about the spread of the Emergent
Church: "Hi, I am from India. Last few days I have heard & read so much about
the emergent church. Even here we find it spreading like an epidemic & many
evangelicals seems to be easily attracted. Many of my friends have already been
drawn towards it. I am glad to have found your web site..."
"Thank you Eric for standing for the truth in this
age of deception. Only the Holy Spirit of Christ Jesus could put such an urgent
demand on you to expose the deception that is running freely in our churches and
our society today." Dollie (Louisiana)
Eric is on "Christ in Prophecy" with Dr. David Reagan again this week!
Be sure tune in
or set your DVR to see this forth and final episode.
Topics of this four week series include:
- Understanding the need for bold, biblical Apologetics
and Discernment today
- The MOST Dangerous Cult
- The Errors of the Emergent Church
- Understanding the Effects of the New Age Movement
- Discovering the truth about The Shack
- The Prophetic Challenges Facing Biblical Christians Today
This week's program includes:
- The Shack vs. The Bible
Learn how this runaway bestseller isn't just a harmless novel and how through it
author Paul Young teaches numerous unbiblical doctrines such as Reconciling

Eric, Dr. David Reagan, Nathan Jones, and members of the Lamb and Lion
Ministries "Christ in Prophecy" TV crew.
in Prophecy" TV schedule
times listed are Eastern Time Zone USA)
DayStar Network - Wednesday,
7:00pm Eastern
Cable, DirecTV Ch. 369, DISH Ch. 263
Inspiration Network - Friday,
12noon Eastern
Cable, DirecTV Ch. 364, DISH Ch. 259
The Church Channel - Saturday,
9:30pm Eastern
DirecTV Channel 371
National Religious Broadcasters
Network - Sunday, 5pm Eastern
DirecTV Channel 378
- 24/7
Watch online at Go to
the home page, scroll down and click on "Current TV Show."
Louisiana Family
Vision Network
at various times. See:
New Mexico Family
(Albuquerque: KAZQ, Channel 32 and KTVS,
Channel 36) |