Barger's TAKE A STAND! O N L I N E
June 11, 2001 It has been a springtime filled with opportunities for Melanie and I...PTL! I've ministered in several conferences and many churches across America and on several occasions we saw over 20 commitments to Christ being made at the end of a service. Also, the release of my new book Entertaining Spirits Unaware has opened the door for me to address millions through programs like "Point of View with Marlin Maddoux", "Unraveling the New World Order with Dr. Larry Bates" and "Southwest Radio Church". The response has been awesome, and in each instance God has been so faithful as His truth is proclaimed! Last month we were blessed by a wonderful church in Kentucky with an offering to purchase a portable video projector to allow me to use animations, video clips and enhanced audio in my seminars. The unit is about the size of a lap top computer and will increase the impact of the seminars tremendously. This is an answer to much prayer! Now, there are two other concerns that I need you to pray with me
about. SPECIAL NEEDS First, our office equipment needs upgrading desperately, including
the need for a second printer and at least two new computers. We also need a new fax
machine as the one we've used for many years has finally given up. Melanie and I both use
the computers many hours each week and I cannot stress to you how important
this need is for us. ONGOING NEEDS It's now early June and we are home, preparing new material for the seminars and finishing my NEXT book (on Spiritual Warfare). During June, July and August (and always December) your gifts of love are super-important. These are the times we revamp, renew and refresh for the busy times of travel to come. But during these times "off the road" our income is greatly reduced and we need your increased help. Please pray about an extra financial and prayer commitment to the ministry during this summer season. Just as the research and writing we did last year paid dividends in our ministry this year, the same will be true of this time we are taking away from travel now in the days ahead.Every soul saved; every life changed; every person snatched from Satan's clutches is because YOU were prayerful and gave financially. And it is your Heavenly account that is credited each and every time I stand up and unabashedly proclaim the truth. You truly make our ministry possible and Melanie and I are eternally grateful as you help us meet both the special and ongoing needs of this ministry! Many blessings and thanks again!![]() PS You may give a gift one of three ways: - Mail a check to our address below - Log on and give electronically at or - Call us at 972/495-9490 with your credit card information (Visa, MasterCard and Discover) |
To Give a Gift to the Ministry click here! Get to Know Us Better - Read the Ministry Operating Statement here! Bring Eric Barger and Take A Stand! Seminars to YOUR Church! |
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Take A Stand! Ministries - POB 1485 - Rowlett, TX 75030
(972) 495-9490