I Can't Sign the Letter
- The foolishness of the Yale letter and why Christians should reject it |
Their god is NOT our
God! - a rebuttal to the Yale proposal to find common ground with Muslims |
Not on My Watch! How About Yours? |
Islam's Westward March |
US Army
Training lists Evangelical Christians as "Religious Extremists" |
"Caution: Free Speech at Risk" on "Understanding the Times" Radio with Jan
Markell - Eric Barger interviews Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) |
"Free Speech at Risk - the Benghazi Affair" on "Understanding the Times"
Radio with Jan Markell - with Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) Web Bonus
Podcast |
Eric Barger on "Understanding the Times" Radio with guest, former Muslim,
Elijah Abraham |
Islam's Desire to CRUSH the Cross |
"The Cross in the Shadow of the Crescent" on "Understanding the Times Radio
with Jan Markell - Eric and Jan interview Pastor and author Erwin Lutzer
of Moody Bible Church about his courageous new book |
Letter to John Brennan of
Homeland Security from 57 Muslim agencies concerning training manuals |
Free Speech in Tennessee? - DOJ and FBI attempt to intimidate and stifle
free speech |
Deception of Chrislam (Video Intro Clip 12:01 Min) |
The Deception of Chrislam (Article) |
Failure to Translate: Muslim-Sensitive Bible
Translations |
Muslim Friendly Bible Translations: Round Two (2013) |
Book Review from David Irvine of
Muslims, Christians, and Jesus by Carl Medearis |
Shariah Law and the Will of the People |
Samples of Sharia Law |
The Similarities of
Muhammad and Joseph Smith |
NASA Promotes Islam and more on the NYC Ground Zero Mosque |
Islamic Domination and the NYC Ground Zero Mosque |
Evangelical Meltdown - Islam and Christianity at Yale |
Rick Warren to speak at
Islamic Society Convention July 2009 |
When I Thought I Could Say Amen (Is the "Isa" of Islam the Jesus of the
Bible?) |
on "Just When I Thought I Could Say "Amen" |
we Apologize to Muslims? |
Islam: a
Peaceful Religion? |
Islamo-Fascism - It originates with the Koran |
Islam: Another God?
Another Gospel? |
Muslims and
Christians: Not the same God! |
Who is Allah? |
Is Jerry
Falwell Right? Is the Attack on America the Judgment of God? |
Spirit of
ISLAM - Michael Tummillo |
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