The Command We Often Ignore
The Sheep and the Goats
and the Social Justice Crowd
Eastern Orthodox and the Bible Answer Man with Eric Barger and Jill
Martin Rische
Skeptic Alert: Did Jesus Trust the Old Testament?
When Discernment
Turns Ugly
Is hyper-critical name calling REALLY contending for the Faith?
Eric Barger a "Catholic"??? Huh?
Clearing up
the Misconceptions about The Apostles Creed - Could it be Catholic?
The Apostles Creed and the Discerners
a video response by Eric Barger
X-Men and the Gay Agenda
The O'Reilly Theological Factor
Judging What the Duck Dynasty Controversy Means in a “Judge Not” Society Upon These Creeds We
The Apostles Creed
The Demarcation Line
by Eric Barger
The Misconceptions of
Apologetics Ministry
What Apologetics interview with Eric Barger - with Nathan Jones of
Lamb and Lion Ministries
When Christians Engage in Blood Sport
- Jan Markell & Eric Barger
The MOST Dangerous Cult
by Eric Barger |