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The Command We Often Ignore

The Sheep and the Goats and the Social Justice Crowd

Eastern Orthodox and the Bible Answer Man with Eric Barger and Jill Martin Rische

Skeptic Alert: Did Jesus Trust the Old Testament?

When Discernment Turns Ugly

Is hyper-critical name calling REALLY contending for the Faith?

Eric Barger a "Catholic"??? Huh?

Clearing up the Misconceptions about The Apostles Creed - Could it be Catholic?

The Apostles Creed and the Discerners a video response by Eric Barger

X-Men and the Gay Agenda

The O'Reilly Theological Factor

Judging What the Duck Dynasty Controversy Means in a “Judge Not” Society

Upon These Creeds We Stand!

The Apostles Creed

The Demarcation Line by Eric Barger

The Misconceptions of Apologetics Ministry

What Apologetics interview with Eric Barger - with Nathan Jones of Lamb and Lion Ministries

When Christians Engage in Blood Sport - Jan Markell & Eric Barger

The MOST Dangerous Cult by Eric Barger

Christianity: Extreme Makeover Version
The Modern Church Growth Movement - Growing the Wrong Way

Our Disturbing Spiritual Condition - The "feel good" gospel lets people down

Will They Say of Us..."They WERE The Evangelicals?"

Willow Creek Admits "Seeker Sensitive" a Failure

Obama a Christian? No, Obama's no Joshua

The Price of Being a Witness


Has Hollywood's James Cameron Found "The Lost Tomb of Jesus"?


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The Da Vinci Dialog - Eric Barger (talking points concerning Dan Brown's book and movie)
Refuting The Da Vinci Code Fable - Dr. Stan Fleming
The Da Vinci Code and Other Deceptions - Mary Ann Collins
Angels & Demons: Book raises questions; Bible has the answers - Jim Wicker
Angels & Demons: Best-selling author Dan Brown 'selling a theology' - Timothy Paul Jones


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