December 2, 2004
Greetings from Seattle!
It's been nearly a
month since our last email. Though I've been back home in Seattle for a week it seems like
I'm just now getting caught up again. There is always a lot on my plate once I get home
from a long road trip.
One great report I
have for you is that in October we were able to raise the funds needed for the down
payment on an adequate home and ministry headquarters here in the Pacific Northwest.
Praise the Lord!
It will be late
January before we can take control of the new property and begin to move in but after
having everything we own (both for ministry and life) in storage for the past 6 months
even the idea of moving, boxes and unpacking (all among my most dreaded thoughts) sounds
appealing! We're just grateful for those of you who invested financially towards our
relocation and for my sister-in-law who graciously opened up her house to Melanie and I
during this time.
Moving on such
extremely short notice as we did back in June was a real test of faith and now once again
the Lord has provided at just the right time to meet this need. Considering the health
challenges and other needs that Melanie's parents are facing, it is more evident each day
that this move was indeed in His perfect will regardless of any of the costs and hardships
we may have faced along the way.
This fall I was on
the road for seven weeks straight with the exception of just five days home. During that
time we saw some terrific things happen spiritually. Now, I'm at work on some new
messages, two new video projects and a new series of articles (sure to become a book of
some sort) which we'll be sharing with you soon.
In some respects
time flies by when I'm on the road. With the work load of speaking, travel, answering
emails, website, writing and researching it seems like days turn into nights pretty quick.
But some moments seem like an eternity when I'm longing to see my family. Its then that
the Lord has often reminded me of those whose lives have been touched through the ministry
and of others who have caught the vision and been faithful to pray for us and support the
work. It makes the tougher moments so much more bearable knowing that many of you
intercede for us regularly and also care enough to mail in a donation. Let me offer
special thanks to those who take a moment and write notes of encouragement too! We
really appreciate your love to us.
My family has learned to deal
with "Papa" being gone a great deal (sometimes Nanny too...that's what the
kiddos call Melanie) but that's just part of the arrangement when we accepted God's call
to travel and minister. The amount of time away does make coming home a sweet occasion
though and I'm grateful to have the bulk of December off the road and close to my family.
Website Additions
As you probably
know by now, I am in the process of loading chapters from my book Disarming the Powers of Darkness into the Information Center at .
If you have missed
any of the previous chapters you can click and read or download at:
Chapter 3 is on
the website now - "FRUITFUL
WARFARE - Preparing for Battle."
Im going to
continue to load chapters and alert you here via email when a new one is ready.
Eventually, the entire book will be online for anyone to read or download.
Online Bookstore
transactions now encrypted and 100% secure
We have completed
the reconstruction of the bookstore at
In addition to the new and easy to use format, we've added one more layer of privacy
protection to ease the mind and make identity theft virtually impossible. Now, in addition
to our use of a small private server, each transaction is completely encrypted and
verified secure. You are now able to both order products and make donations to the
ministry in complete confidence using your Visa, MasterCard or Discover card.
Please access
the bookstore CLICK HERE.
One of the
products in the bookstore is the newly updated version of Fast Facts on False
Teachings by authors Dr. Ron Carlson and Ed Decker. This 256 page gem is a must
for every house with quick and easy to read references on Mormonism, Jehovah's Witnesses,
New Age, Islam and much more. This book would make a perfect gift for anyone interested in
apologetics and defending the faith and would also be a great addition to every family
library. We have them in stock and can ship immediately. ORDER
One Note
about Finances...
We need your
help more in December and early January than at any other time of the year. However, this
year our reserve is completely gone already. Please consider a donation to the ministry CLICK HERE. Thanks for your
continued support
We are completely dependant on your gifts!
As always, God
bless you as you keep taking a stand!
