Greetings and blessings to you! In this email I'm going to share some pertinent emails concerning
the growing effects and fallout from both the Harry Potter
phenomenon and from the controversial Lord of the Rings.
We'll also continue with the next chapter of my book on
personal victory and spiritual warfare, Disarming the Powers of
I travel to California on Friday (1/21) for two weeks of
ministry. Thanks for your prayers concerning my speaking itinerary and for the
general effectiveness of the ministry. Thanks also for your financial support. We are
still in a deficit and with the first of the month fast approaching your gifts will be
welcomed and appreciated.
God bless you!

"I'm a Christian but..."
Someone identifying themselves as "A True
Christian with a mind" wrote:
I would like to know if you find the Wizard of Oz a decent movie
for children, or anyone, for that matter. EVERYTHING you find in Harry Potter is found in
the Wizard of Oz.
Eric Responds:
Exactly. This is one of the key points I make as I speak publicly or write on this issue -
we have been conditioned to accept white and black magic as normal. Led by Disney, there
has been a slow but sure desensitization process over the past 50 or so years to bring us
to a place where the occult is now normal. How tragic that Christians cannot discern how
emphatically God disdains this. His word is completely clear on this issue. There is NO
such thing as "white" magic...supernatural power comes from one of two sources
(God or Satan) and when those who profess to be "Christians" come back to
thinking and acting biblically on this and other issues then and only then can they expect
the blessing of God in their lives. God desires to abundantly bless our homes but because
of our insistence with being entertained by literature, movies, TV, cartoons, video games,
etc. - whose contents God's word speaks directly against - we short circuit His best for
our lives.
How about the Chronicles of
Narnia, which were written by a Christian? What are your feelings about that series? I
mean, the second (or third, Im not quite sure) book is titled, The Lion, The Witch,
and the Wardrobe. It seems to me, that because the book involves magic you are all upset
about this, but there are many books in acclaimed literature that uses magic in them.
(Lord of the Rings is a ringing example, again, written by a Christian.)
If things go as planned, we are going to do an extensive
article on the Narnia series sometime in the future. However, let me say it again, if any
book, TV show, movie, etc employs a hero using "white" magic it is
completely...I mean completely outside the blessing of Scripture. How clear do I need to
be? Read Deuteronomy 18:9-12.
"When thou art come into the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee, thou shalt not
learn to do after the abominations of those nations. 10There shall not be found among you
any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth
divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch. 11Or a charmer, or a
consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer. 12For all that do these
things are an abomination unto the LORD: and because of these abominations the LORD thy
God doth drive them out from before thee."
The word "abomination" there is the Hebrew word "Towebah." This is the
strongest condemnatory language used about any issue in the entire Bible from the mouth of
God! God has a holy standard and until His Church decides to follow it - instead of trying
to call themselves "Christians" while they entertain themselves with images and
stories that His Word expressly forbids - then they are only fooling themselves that the
Lord is going to answer their prayers, protect them, provide for them, etc, etc.
Tolkien was a Catholic and by his writings we might not be too sure that he was an
authentic Bible Believer or not. You need to read my article "Lord of the Rings:
Christian or Cultic" at
What gets annoying about this
type of hype, is the automatic knee-jerk reaction to Harry Potter because they
use the word wizard or magic The Wizard of Oz employs all of the
same themes as Harry Potter, but, of course, since this is a classic no one is
going to accuse this movie of satanic messages.
Knee-jerk reactionary I am not. I have researched, written about and spoken on the occult
for over 21 years. My assessment of Potter is not because the word "witch" or
"wizard" is used. Its because witchcraft itself is the main message and is
completely glorified in the series. I sincerely believe that Harry Potter is the boldest
endorsement for witchcraft, sorcery and the occult that has come along since I've been in
the ministry. This is obvious from reading just a few pages of any of the 5 books. There
can be no doubt that witchcraft is the opposite of Christianity and that wizards and the
like end up in the Lake of Fire (See Revelation 21:7-8)!
I sight the Wizard of Oz, Snow White, etc., in my seminars as the main cause for we have
progressed to where we are today with witchcraft being accepted as normal. Harry Potter
could never have become the biggest book series in history unless we had become
conditioned to it. Plus, on a purely literary level, the Potter series just simply isn't
that well crafted.
I think, perhaps, we should be
attacking the true evil in the worldyou know, poverty, child abuse,
homelessnessand stop bickering around about a movie because it uses the
new term magic (gasp! Say it isnt so!)
Nice try...however, we are concerned with the areas you
mention. In the past 6 months our ministry has given several thousand dollars to rescue
children from slavery in Thailand, let alone other projects outside the sphere of our
particular area of ministry. But the Lord calls different people to concentrate on
different issues. He has called us into apologetics which is the defense of the faith.
You would think that Christians would be concerned with following His Word. Tragically, I
find that many Christians seem concerned with how close to the world they can play and not
be burned instead of seeing how close to the Lord they can walk so they won't be burned!
Maybe that's why I get so many people writing letters such as yours. Perhaps God is trying
to get a message through...???
If indeed this statement is true then I suggest you read, you study and you pray and ask
the Lord if He likes His children, who He sent Jesus to die for, entertaining themselves
and defending things (like books that endorse witchcraft) that are directly related to the
works of the Devil.
Psalm 37:23...

"Mistaken about Potter"
Dear Mr.
I was so
happy to come across your site today while looking for some information on Harry Potter. I am a born again Christian and am currently trying
to correct a mistake I made with my son regarding Harry Potter. We have been a home schooling family for the past
nine years and my son is in a private Christian school for the first time this year. He came home asking to read one of the Potter books
for his reading assignment because some of the other kids at school were raving about how
good they were. My son has never been
interested in reading so to see him so excited about it was good. My husband and I had always said no to Harry Potter
in the past. I conceded, however, and bought him
the first book. He read it and asked for the
next one. He did not read the second one as
quickly, but bought the first movie with his own money, with my permission. I honestly do not know what I was thinking. I knew from the moment I gave consent to the book
that it was wrong. I felt the urgings from the
Holy Spirit and did not heed them. To make a long
story short I have admitted my mistake to my son and have tried as best I can to explain
to him why he is no longer allowed to watch the movies or read the books. Needless to say this has not gone over well.
My main
reason for writing is to see if you can help me with the question my son (12 yrs) and
daughter (15yrs) have raised. What is the difference
between Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings? In
my obviously feeble mind there is a difference in that Tolkien was a believer and has said
that his motivation for writing was a spiritual one. I
have done quite a bit of reading on him and his life and have read the books and seen the
movies. Am I missing the mark here? Am I being deceived
into thinking there is a difference when there is not?
I would appreciate any help you could give me.
My children, at this point, do not see any difference and I would like to do
a better job of presenting this to them. Thank
you in advance.
Eric Responds:
First, you are NOT alone in your problem.
I have easily received dozens of emails or calls similar to yours over the past five years
or so.
Concerning Potter vs. Rings...
There is indeed a difference in the way
the heroes are presented. Let me say that Tolkien presented his heroes with absolute
standards of moral thinking - something completely lacking with the heroes created by J.K.
Rolwing. (The Potter heroes lie, cheat, steal, swear and drink. It seems to me that those
are the things that villains did when I was growing up. What parent wants their children
adoring heroes that are at the least into moral relativism?)
That said, let me say that as a
researcher into the occult, its effects and its consequences and an apologist for biblical
principles I am very concerned about the effects that the Lord of the Rings has had on the
Church in our day. Tolkien may have been a Christian of some sort and had an obviously
brilliant mind but neither of those things justifies using the occult to paint a positive
If given the choice between just Potter
and Rings, Rings wins hands down but how can we say that Potter is evil and then herald
Rings as wonderful if indeed Rings uses witches and sorcery to present what is notably an
admirable story "absolute morality"?
If you haven't read it already please
read my article at:
(I am also preparing to shoot a video on this topic as soon as I can raise the funds
needed. Watch my website for more news on this.)
I understand your excitement that your
son was in the least interested in reading. This is a common comment I hear from parents
(usually in defense of Potter). Due to the so-called video generation we live in, it is
also a key weapon Satan is using to attract and then destroy young minds and to divide
families. Sadly, you now know this first hand.
Without doubt, the most important thing
that needs to be embraced by your son and millions of other "Christian" kids
today is an unwavering and complete surrender to biblical authority.
I go into greater depth in my seminar
presentations and DVD's on the issue but God uses the very strongest of condemnatory
language to describe His disdain for the entire world of the occult. Whether it be fantasy
or real life practices (both of which Rowling has employed) and no matter how popular it
may be (even among "Christians") our view must be the same as God's. He hates
the works of the occult; so must we. How can we say that we love Him and expect His
richest blessings, help and protection if we are willingly entertaining ourselves with
images that His word so clearly forbids? Once again, for your son and so many others it
comes down to surrender to biblical authority.
I suggest that if your son would read a
700 or 800 page book extolling every occult practice imaginable it would be wise to now
counterbalance that with the same amount of pages from God's word. Perhaps in those pages
he'll find the peace and truth that no Potter fan will find over there.
Let me know if I can help in any way. It
has become a central mission of mine to see young and old set free from the curse of Harry
God bless you!

"Harmless Occultism"
Dear Eric,
I was glad to see you taking a stand against Harry Potter. I am a 24 year old Christian
man who, when I was about 9 years old, fell for the "its just fantasy" lie
regarding JRR Tolkien's "The Hobbit" and the Lord of the Rings. This led me into
worse and worse forms of "innocent occultism" including Magic The Gathering,
Terry Goodkind, Robert Jordan, etc. Before long I was hooked on the stuff, and still
struggle with it to this day.
Your readers need to know
that these, "children's tales" are nothing but a "gateway drug" to
worse and worse forms of occult. Once you get some of it in your head it becomes a
"wedge" that Satan uses to get more and more of his confusion and lies in your
spirit. In addition, all of it in some way promotes pornography, bestiality,
homosexuality, etc.
I have a list of several
wildly popular books for "children to young adults" that you may find
interestingly evil, and need to do reviews on them to expose them as well. Harry Potter
gets all the attention, and the hardcore stuff gets through the cracks.
The Goodkind book "Sord
of Truth", which is nothing of the sort, includes at least one scene of bestiality in
a satanic ritual in which female "sorceresses" use the sex act to steal the
souls and magical abilities of male "wizards". It also includes "rip
offs" of Biblical miracles, such as Samson's battle with the jaw bone against the
Philistines, etc. It also offers an creator other than the God of Christianity, and a
"devil" who is not really depicted as being any more evil than the creator.
Robert Jordan's "The
Wheel of Time" is also one long promotion of sexual immorality. Polygamy is
trivialized. Sex out of wedlock is trivialized. Nude witchcraft initiations, etc.
(witches/sorcerers are called Aes Sedai in this book, and Jordan gets around "witch
hunts" by presenting "Channeling" "The Power" as a natural
phenomenon which some are born to do). Reincarnation as opposite sex,
"dreamwalking" to divine out information about enemy armies.
George r.r. Martings "A
song of Ice and Fire" is so wicked that I stopped reading it even before my eyes were
fully opened. In this one, a woman literally gives live birth to dragons, which are
believed to be her reincarnated ancestors. It promotes incest, "farseeing" which
is the term used for divination, "inner sight" etc,.
Then there's "Memory,
Sorrow, and Thorn". It teaches of another "christ" who died on a cross just
like the Christ of the bible, but that is where the similarity ends. One of the nails from
this "christs'" cross was used to create one of three magical swords. The book
reaches its climax when Pryrates, a very powerful sorcerer who is virtually invincible,
and of all things learned his magic from the followers of the "christ" of the
book, casts a spell which causes the very sword, called "Brightnail" to take
possession of the "Hero" and uses his body to complete a ritual to summon the
"Storm King", an even more powerful sorcerer, from the dead.
This is the filth my
generation has grown up with, and I was deceived by the lie that "its all just a
story." And in answer to the person who said, "well then you need to throw out
Beauty and the Beast, etc." I say yes, it is all occultism, I know from personal
experience. There is some promotion of the occult or of some false religion in every
Disney cartoon for example. "Worlds Greatest Fairy Tales" Volume I and II is a
great primer for sending a child into a spiral of bondage to sorcery and divination.
That's how it started with me.
Thank Jesus for helping me
stop reading this stuff and playing the occultic video games. I spent thousands of dollars
on Magic the Gathering because it is like a drug. It gets in your head and you cannot get
it out by any amount of will power. I tried to quit several times, throwing away the game,
etc. But somehow always got drawn back into it. I quit my job to get home to play the
occultic video games or read the books! I skipped and failed College class because of the
lure of the occult!
But I thank the Lord Jesus
for opening my eyes, and He will give me total deliverance.
W. S.
Thank you for your encouragement to me. Most of the email I get about LOTR, etc is from
people claiming to be Christians whining at my stance and calling me judgmental. I can
take it but it sure make one wonder about the sad state of many who claim Christ as
I cannot tell you how important it is that you continue to
articulate your story to others. Satan may have had you trapped but God now has a plan for
using your words and life to warn the unsuspecting. I am continuing to pray for your
complete restoration brother!
God bless you and please let me know if there is any way I
can help you.
Remember: He who the Son sets free is free indeed!
Praise the Lord!

"Struggling with Fantasy"
You have been a source of
great enlightenment to me this past year. I recently dedicated my life to the Lord in
February 2004 and Have been struggling with the issue of fantasy. At first I took it all
in stride due to talk from other Christians in favor of LOTR. Also, I felt justified by
C.S. Lewis and the fact that he was supposed to have been a born again Christian. His was
the first writings that introduced me to the escape of fantastical reading. You see Eric,
I was raised in a Christian home and it was a strict one. Nevertheless, I was given the
C.S. Lewis books to read at my leisure . They were a stepping stone to much more involved
reads. I barely dabbled in D&D, yet the books remained a steadfast addiction my entire
life. I have spent much of my adult life in real destitution "living like a
refugee", and I attribute much of the reason to fantasy books. With God's help I have
restored my life. When I saw a reference to your website in a newsletter by Jim Spencer
called "Through the Maze" I looked you up. While it might be noted that
"Through the Maze" is a publication about the deception of Mormonism I would
like to add that I was raised in a Pentecostal church: The Assembly of God to be exact. I
currently attend the Vinyard church in (town name omitted) and it is my home away from
home (heavenly and otherwise).
Please come to see us. I
believe that you would be beneficial in awakening the hearts and minds of many a
churchgoer. I would like to speak with you more about what your topic of choice would be.
I would be more than happy to round up volunteers in facilitating your seminar.
I wanted to say this-----
When I read your work I was gripped by God. I wept. I knew that the truth had been made
known to me. You are a very important warrior in the Army of God and you are doing the
most serious of His work. God has blessed me thoroughly through your writings and I know
he will continue to do so. As we all take a stand for God and remain attentive to His
presence I encourage you to take heart Eric, and be strong in all that you do. I love you
and I will be praying for you.
In His Grace,
Thanks for taking time to send your testimony. I know that your story is going to be a
warning and a ministry to others. I am so glad that the Lord has started the process of
seeing you released from the bondage brought on by unhealthy and ungodly fantasy
Please share my website with your pastor. I would be glad to include your church in my
Here is the page where you can find a helpful menu of info concerning my seminar/crusade
ministry. Get it to your pastor. It is
Please be in touch and keep going on for Jesus brother!
Note: Suggested Resources concerning these emails
The Nine Forbidden Practices of the
The Lord of the Rings: Cultic of
Harry Potter and Christians
The Magick of Harry Potter (From the
book Entertaining Spirits Unaware, 3 parts)
Rebuttal to John Granger's
book, Looking for God in Harry Potter - on site 1/20/05
Videos and DVD's of Eric Barger's
seminars ("The End-Time Occult Invasion" and "The Hidden World of the

One more email just for fun!
I thought this email was one of the most complimentary and certainly the cutest we've
received in a long time. The writer had heard me speak recently and had written me a long
email about a family member who is involved in a devious cult. Still, her optimism shined
D.M. wrote:
You were so cool
Sunday! It was awfully fun getting to drop my jaw so many times (as you spoke). I
kept thinking of people and saying "She should hear Eric Barger! He should hear
Eric Barger!" You make social controversy as fun as I always knew it could
be!! Ever studied Creation vs. Evolution?? (that's my gig. >:~} )
I appreciate the encouragement D.M.!! I only wish
that our ministry and my presentations connected this way with everybody!!!
In August 2003 I
featured this chapter in our newsletter but for the sake of all of the new subscribers and
since it is the next chapter in Disarming the Powers of Darkness
we'll revisit it again here.
There's Power in the Blood!
As weve
pointed out, there are several different views in the church today on the topic and
definition of Spiritual Warfare. We want to make it clear that while we do not agree with
the affinity some show in blaming every shortcoming known to man on a direct intervention
by demons, we certainly do not want to downplay the importance of recognizing and exposing
the work of evil. Nor do we want to discount the validity and severity of the demonic, or
in any way trivialize the need to help people who are afflicted by Satans works.
These authors have both dealt with demon-possessed people in our public ministries and
have seen God triumph over Satan with regularity. And while we dont intend to demean
any of those in so-called "deliverance ministries," wed like to see them
all put out of business and we actually think they would agree! Heres why. We
question the prevailing attitude in the church today which seems to abdicate its basic
responsibility to "set the captives free" as Scripture directs. We think it is
the responsibility of every Christian to first be spiritually prepared and then be willing
to act against the forces of evil when necessary. These authors dont go looking for
a demonic fight, but if one comes our way, well accommodate accordingly! If the
saints were prepared, educated about such things, and prayerful, doesnt it stand to
reason that exposing and expelling evil forces would be the normal course of action? No
matter which camp you might be from, we believe that we can all agree that personal
victory is a mandatory and most basic step to take. So now, before we can assist others on
the road to freedom, how do we go about defeating the Devil and his forces in our lives?
The Power of the Blood
There is no more important element in
our personal victory than a clear, biblical understanding of the blood of Jesus Christ.
Knowing what the blood has done, is doing, and will do for us is essential if we are to
comprehend Christs magnificence and overwhelming ability to save, heal, and deliver.
Scripture tells us that Jesus going to the cross and shedding His blood for us
accomplished many different things. Hebrews 9:14 assures us that the blood has the power to
cleanse us. Ephesians 1:7 says that the blood brings forgiveness. In Romans 5:9, we read
how Christs blood sacrifice justifies us; and in Colossians 1:14 and Hebrews 9:12,
Gods Word declares that we are redeemed by the power of His precious blood. We are
brought lasting peace by the blood (Colossians 1:20) and purified through it (1 John 1:7).
Christs blood frees us (Revelation 1:5) and with it God has purchased us back unto
Himself (Revelation 5:9). The attributes of His blood go on and on. (Click here to read the rest
of the chapter)
Go to Disarming the Powers
of Darkness chapter menu
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