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December Report
from Eric Barger and Take A Stand! Ministries
Praise the Lord for His longevity and faithfulness! As many of you know, we entered our twenty-first year of full-time teaching and evangelistic ministry back in October. We were beckoned by God over 20 years ago to teach the church how to effectively deal with the culture, to expose the works and deceptions of darkness and above all to lift up the name of Jesus to a dying world. During those two decades weve traveled at least 200 days each year across North America doing as God has instructed. In fact, from mid August through mid November this year I have been on the road a total of 71 days. One of the high points this fall was speaking to a crowd of teens on a Friday night in October in Lincoln, Missouri. My friend, Pastor Herb Robertson, had asked me to come a day early before starting our "Take A Stand!" Conference there to speak to the area youth at the Abundant Life "Firehouse" Teen Center. That night about 30 young people committed their hearts to Christ! Wow! It is just such an occasion that reminds me exactly why we put in the many long hours and all those nights away from our family on the road each year. I'm also happy to report that we have finally received the long-awaited first shipment of our newest video "The Battle Cry of Praise". We are busy mailing out the first copies today! This video is one of the most unique I have ever done and teaches the importance of worship and praise as a weapon of Spiritual Warfare. There will be no slowing down for Melanie and I in the year ahead. Our spring schedule finds us featured in several national conferences such as the Bay Area (CA) Sunday School convention (where I am a keynote speaker), the Chicago Sunday School Convention in March, as well as conferences in Peoria, San Bernardino, Seattle, Spokane and more. Besides traveling coast to coast across the US and Canada, we are also exploring ministry possibilities in both Europe and South America as well. Well keep you posted both through the newsletters and our website at www.ericbarger.com. In the mean time, please pray with us that God will use us effectively and efficiently to reach more lost souls and a greater portion of His church during the coming year.
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If you wish to email Eric Barger please do so at eric@ericbarger.com. Thank you!
Copyright, Eric Barger 2003
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Take A Stand! Ministries - POB 1485 - Rowlett, TX 75030
(972) 495-9490 www.ericbarger.com