Greetings in the Lord Jesus!
Since we are at the end of the winter
break here in the northern hemisphere this is a good time to reiterate the tremendous need
for quality, biblical Christian education. I hope you are challenged and blessed by my
article below. I'll appreciate your thoughts back too.
Also, Melanie and I want to wish you the
very best blessing as we enter 2005! With the tremendous turmoil in our world isn't it
great to know that no matter what comes your way Jesus is on the side of the Believer. In
fact, because He died we can truly face any adversity and do so in complete victory!
These may be "perilous times"
as the Apostle put it, but they are also exciting times as God presents His Church with
more and more opportunities to meet the spiritual and physical needs of a lost, dying and
searching world.
Thanks for your support and intercession
over the past year. Without it we could not have impacted as many
lives as we did in 2004. Please be aware of how vital your prayers and financial help are
in accomplishing the mission of seeing captives free by the power of God!
One final note. Many of you are aware of
my heart concerning the children of Thailand. It goes without saying that every Christian
needs to be in prayer for those effected by the widespread disaster cause by last Sunday's
earthquake and resulting tsunamis. I am planning my first trip to Thailand for 2005. I
will be updating you on this as my plans come together and will keep you abreast of our
ongoing efforts to see Thai children rescued from homelessness and prostitution. In the
mean time, if you are led to help in our efforts to see these precious children saved from
some of the most horrific conditions imaginable you may click here to
contribute to this special mission.
Thanks again and may His joy fill your
heart as you watch and wait for His return!

Thank for your support of our ministry!
As of today we are still operating at a $3100
shortfall. Your gift is vital.
Give a gift NOW via 100% completely secured server here.
You may mail your check or credit card
information to:
Take A Stand! Ministries - PO Box 1485 -
Rowlett, TX 75030

God for Christian Education!
By Eric Barger
I had a conversation with Mrs. Lillian Mark, the founder and chief administrator of Alpha
Beacon Christian School, a predominant Christian school in California. As we talked she
commented on watching my video, "The MOST Dangerous Cult" which details the
denominational slide into the theological abyss of liberalism. "Eric, we need a real
revival in our churches!" she stated. "Were seeing the results of the
deadness in the churches in the lives of some of our students." During the
conversation we both went on to recount the absolute importance of not just having
Christians engaged in the secular educational world, but the need for solid, no nonsense
Christian schools. The gap between light and darkness, truth and lies is widening ever
more in the field of education. There are Bible believers on one flank and atheists on the
other and both are vying for the mind and future of the collective student body.
I have known the leadership and staff at
Alpha Beacon for many years, having ministered in and for their school on numerous
occasions. They have a heart for God and a pure desire to see lives changed for the glory
of God. More than just imparting information in a "safe" environment, thier goal
is to induce a hunger for God and to stir revival in the hearts of the students. The
Church worldwide sorely needs more brilliant people like her who have opted for the
Lords work instead of the big bucks her talents could have garnered elsewhere. I
personally thank God for the few who are standing in the gap in an effort to train
tomorrows leaders to be powerful saints of God without spot or wrinkle.
During our conversation my friend mentioned
a recent event that illustrated one of the key battles within Christianity today. Some
time ago after a nationally-recognized speaker had addressed their annual banquet the
school received at least one critical note complaining about the presentation. The writer
bemoaned that such strong stands on cultural issues was out of place. The note expressed
that the non-inclusive and intolerant views on Americas foundations and Christian
heritage as presented by the speaker could possibly induce people to withdraw their
children from the school. In essence, the complaint was in favor of compromise concerning
issues that the Bible unquestionably makes a clear cut stand on and an abandonment of
factual history replacing such with a more "politically correct" approach. I do
not know exactly what was said by the speaker in question but I do know that this
complaint is symptomatic of the very root of the problem facing pastors and Christian
leaders today. How do you operate according to the Bible when those around you lobby
for compromise and want to water down the truth?
Why is this happening so widely
today? Part of the dilemma is biblical ignorance or outright rejection of scriptural truth
on behalf of church members. This opens the way for the deception currently being fostered
by many alleged Christians which hypothesizes that strong preaching in favor of
traditional marriage, for the rights of the unborn or which condemns sin and endorses
sanctified living will drive people away from church. But regardless of the
reasons, when the church reverts from taking biblical stands - no matter how tough they
may be - the enemy wins.
Without doubt theological liberalism has
overtaken many once-sound churches and denominations. The "feel good gospel"
which fits the bill of being political correct has replaced sound doctrine and biblical
stands on social issues with a "different gospel" (Gal 1:8-9). This results in
either outright silence concerning societal issues or blatant reversals of Scriptural
teaching concerning what ails the world around us.
So you say, "OK, OK Eric. My family
attends a scripturally sound church." Great. But why bring your children to a good
church on Sunday and then deliver them to be taught from curriculum that endorses
evolution, New Age thought and open promiscuity including the acceptability of
homosexuality Monday through Friday?
This trend is exacerbated once your child
leaves high school. A recent national survey pointed out that only one of seven
university professors were politically conservative! Author and researcher, David Horowitz
says that figure is actually one of every nine professors nationally and
that an astounding one of thirty assistant professors fall into the
conservative camp! These professors regularly spend class time espousing every Satanic
theme imaginable from evolution to Marxism while singing the praises of Americas
enemies worldwide. Perhaps most obvious is their venom against conservative thinkers (who
find their grades suffering if they dare not conform) but the most disdained group are any
evangelical Christians who dare share their faith with others. No wonder that a shocking
percentage of young people from Christian homes go off to university only to return as
left-leaning atheists who hate our military, love our foes and wish to see our form of
government become a thing found only in the history books. Isnt it obvious how
desperately we need straight forward Biblical teaching to mold our children
and grandchildren into the men and women God desires them to become? It sadly doesnt
take much indoctrination by the educators, the press and Hollywood with help from our own
fallen nature to turn spiritually immature hearts away from Heaven.
My administrator friend, Mrs. Mark, reiterated to me that
we must never back down from addressing biblical truths and a social agenda
that parallels the Scriptures. Higher education is wonderful - as long as it doesnt
trample biblical truth. However, far to many Christian parents seem oblivious to the
complete atheistic, humanistic and hedonistic agenda awaiting their children from the first
grade right through grad school in the government schools today. Is the trophy of
proclaiming that "my child attends such and such a university" worth them losing
their souls for all eternity?
(c) copyright 2004, Eric Barger |