Eric Barger's
But For One...
July 10, 2002
Perhaps its apathy. Maybe its summer and vacations are in the way. Or possibly that
the complete lack of education about the Christian faith shared by the vast majority of
America's Founding Fathers has blinded us to the need. God help us, but has everyone just
plain given up? Whatever the case, from our last two emailers detailing the plan to place my 60+ minute seminar video tape into the hands of Military Chaplains and local Pastors, we received exactly ONE response...BUT FOR ONE. Was I dismayed? Of Course. I believe that EVERY SINGLE PERSON WHO CARES ABOUT OUR NATION, OUR FUTURE AND THE CAUSE OF CHRIST WORLDWIDE NEEDS TO SEE THIS VIDEO! I know our kids and grandkids sure need the information, for the secular educational curriculum has completely eliminated the truth that we ARE indeed, a Christian Nation. Our Supreme Court even declared this fact a scant 110 years ago. Yet today - due to lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6) - the facts of who we are and what our Founders intended are nearly lost. If you have any doubt about the consorted campaign to reroute America's mindset concerning its Foundations, think again. Last evening I read a website that declared "The Founding Fathers Were NOT Christians". The author claimed that "Christian fanatics" were trying to rewrite history when actually history is on OUR side. He quoted many of the Founders out of context, pasting quotes together to say things that were never uttered by Washington, Franklin and others 200+ years ago. It would be enough to make me throw my hands up if I didn't know that God had led us in this project. Sometimes I wonder if we're getting through, and then God answers through one of His servants...BUT FOR ONE! The great thing I have to report is that the ONE RESPONSE we received gave us some needed funds toward the purchase and mailing of video tapes to Chaplains and Pastors. But its only a drop in the bucket compared to what needs to be raised. So once again, I am asking you to seek God to see what you should do to help BRING AMERICA BACK TO GOD! My friend, even if you are from another country, you must be aware of the role which God has raised America up to play in His plan to reach the world. For well over a century, Christians in this country have sent and funded evangelism - in every form available - to the far corners of the earth. God has used America like no other nation in history for this purpose. But the time is fast approaching when we will not be able to send missionaries and fund world evangelism as we once have...UNLESS we experience a full blown revival right here on our shores! This is the time to revisit our roots, before it is too late. That is exactly what my seminars and this video tape are all about. Last week I spoke in a Church in Texas where a number of military veterans had caught wind of my topic and came to hear about "America." That night they shook my hand, bought copies of the video and excitedly promised that they were going to show the tapes to their friends and families. These men had once laid their lives on the line for our country. They were painfully aware that many of our soldiers today have no concept of who we are as a nation or the Cross of Jesus Christ which our Founders stood for. This is just one example of what happens when the truth about our foundation is presented and a viable resource is made available. Perhaps you could send a substantial gift. Maybe you can only send a small gift. Whatever you can do, it will provide us the means to place this resource in the hands of those who can immediately use it to touch others. And remember, if you can give $100 toward this project, we'll send out FIVE videos to Chaplains or Pastors, plus send you a copy for your own use. My next emailer will deal with the subject of Liberalism in the Church but we won't be any less determined to see this video placed in the hands of those who will use it for God's glory. Thanks and may He touch and bless you today! BRING AMERICA BACK TO GOD! We want to place hundreds, if not THOUSANDS of our video tape "The Rise Fall and REDEMPTION of AMERICA" into the hands of military chaplains and pastors! Help us get this tape out where it will do the most good and be effective for God! (Read more details here.) Listen to what pastors are
saying: "Anyone who loves America and is
concerned about her future should invite Eric Barger to present his seminar 'The
Rise, Fall and Redemption of America' His presentation of this seminar on a
Monday night so touched my heart that I invited him back for the following Sunday morning
to present it again! As a pastor, if you care about our beloved country be certain to have
Eric share this convicting presentation of the truth with your congregation." "Not only well packaged,
masterfully presented, and thoroughly researched...'The Rise, Fall and Redemption
of America' ignited the embers of revolution against the monarchy of cultural
conformity within our church. Not only did Eric unveil and identify the problem, but he
provided a proactive battle plan for our families." - "Outstanding!! Well-researched,
well-documented. 'The Rise, Fall and Redemption of America' makes one
proud to be an American--we are so blessed to have such a Godly heritage. We greatly
enjoyed the presentation." Our nation will continue to suffer as long as
we ignore the warnings of our Founding Fathers. The father of America education, Noah
Webster said: Here's what you can do. $25 will purchase and ship ONE video to a pastor or chaplain who can put it to work reaching multiple times more folks. |
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$100 will purchase and ship FIVE videos!
$300 will purchase and ship SEVENTEEN videos!
$500 will purchase and ship THIRTY videos!
For every gift of $100 or more we will ship YOU a personal copy of the video, as well as an audio soundtrack of the video for your car or office!
Of course, if you wish to order a video for yourself before
joining our outreach to send them to chaplains and pastors we want you to be able to do
so. Just click here for
You may give toward this project in any of FOUR ways.
a gift online HERE
MAIL your gift and request to: Take A Stand! Ministries (We gladly accept checks, money orders, Visa, MasterCard or Discover.) |
PHONE your request
and credit card information to: FAX your Credit Card
information |
Thanks so much for helping us touch America with the TRUTH!
Your gift WILL make a difference! God bless
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(972) 495-9490
Copyright, Eric Barger 2002