Oprah and New Age Guru Eckhart Tolle
You may have seen the video clip of Oprah Winfrey
and new age author, Eckhart Tolle that we sent out back in April. It has been highly
viewed on both YouTube and on GodTube.
Recently, Pastor Dennis Cummins sat down with Eric
Barger to discussed Oprah, her New Age guru and the proliferation and general acceptance
of New Age thought in the culture.
Here below are links to both the video clip of Oprah
making her very troubling claim that Jesus is but one of "millions of ways" and
to Eric's rebuttal. Both can be found along with more of our videos on GodTube.
Listen to Eric's two newest Interviews
"Bible Prophecy and the Occult"
with Jan Markell of
Related Resource: DVD "Bible Prophecy and the Occult"
Dalai Lama and Emergent Church Leaders in Seattle"
with Brannon Howse of
Related Resource: Article "Emergent Leaders and School
Children follow 'his holiness' the Dalai Lama to Seattle"
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once again extend our offer of CDs.
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Mormonism, New Age and Cults, Apologetics, Liberalism/Purpose Driven Philosophy, Spiritual
Warfare, Islam, Harry Potter, Rock Music/Eric's Testimony

Here are some great and uplifting notes we've received recently...and we
am purposely leaving out the negative ones this time...PTL! Please note also that many of
these emails refer to Eric's recent radio interviews (linked above). One more thing - do
you see a pattern in these emails too???
Sleeping Church
I have followed this ministry for years and
enjoy the reports and products purchased.
Wanted to say "Amen!" to the broadcast you shared with Jan Markell today. It was
informative and will, prayerfully, wake up a sleeping church!
- Carrie (Virginia)
in the Sand
I just heard you for the first time today on
Jan Markell's show. God bless you Eric, for the awesome work you are doing. I am inspired
by you to try even harder to reach people with the truth. I am so amazed by the ignorance
of the "average Christian" as to what is really going on in this world. It seems
that they chose to keep their heads in the sand so as not to be bothered with anything
other than what makes them feel good. When I try to speak of these topics, I find that
even the people I consider to be strong followers of Christ don't have a clue as to what I
am talking about - they look at me like I'm a little bit crazy. I'm afraid that my church
is sorely lacking in educating the congregation. Unfortunately, I think that most of them
are only being fed by the sermons on Sunday, and if the pastor hasn't preached it, then
they either don't know about it or it must not be very important.
Thank you for your service to our Lord Eric...I
look forward to exploring your website deeper, and I will be recommending it to others.
Jane (Minnesota)
Led to the Slaughter
You have a most interesting web site. I only
pray that more and more people will pick up the Word and read the truths therein for
themselves. Many are duped because they are too busy doing things of the world instead of
taking the time to read the Word and find out the truths therein!
Thanks for the read about Joel Osteen and all.
I know many people think, that to answer as Joel has, that he isn't a true Christian, but
I would never say he wasn't...that's God's job. I know some are weak-kneed but that only
makes them 'lukewarm', but still Christian. We have to pray for such as these.
I believe that people shouldn't take another's word about something without first doing
their own research. This is how the devil will deceive so many and has already done so.
That is why it is so important to read the Word every day! The only Shepherd we should
follow is Jesus. We won't hear His voice if we don't take time to read the Word, as so
many have neglected to do and still do...these are the ones who are being led to the
slaughter...because they are blind? No! But because they are stubborn or lazy...thus
causing blindness!
There are many views but only ONE truth...The Word of God!
God bless,
Janet (Nova Scotia, Canada)
It was truly a great interview with Jan!
I look forward to receiving the free CDs. And, in time, I hope to make some orders from
the material you offer. It was a pleasure to hear such clarity on the true Biblical stand
on all occultic involvement.
Thank you,
B.H.B. (Oregon)
Nine Forbidden Practices of the Occult
Mr. Barger,
Thanks for the information. I'm grateful for
something to share with my teens and junior age kids who desire to play computer games
that contain things that concern me. I asked the Lord to give me wisdom on how to talk
with them about this issue and this article came in my e-mail today! Praise the Lord for
meeting my need!
Susan (Illinois)
Thank you very much for this article.
Christians need to be hit between the eyes with the truth ever now and then. Satan is
alive and well on planet earth from day one. He uses the same old tricks, schemes, and
lies and tailors them for each cultural setting. Today he hits hard in the entertainment
industry and secular psychology, and modern thought. Same old lie to Eve with modern
thought- Surely God knows that if you eat of the fruit, you will be like Him, knowing good
and evil. Today, "you are in control of your own destiny," "channel the
power from within until you become your own god." Same lies, differently tailored.
Yes, we need to be very aware of the lies creeping into our lives via "Christian
literature," songs, etc. After reading this, I am throwing away - not selling or
giving away-some of our DVD's such as "Skeleton Key." Forgive me Lord for
allowing this form of evil entertainment in our home.
Anonymous (South Dakota)
Click here to access "The Nine Forbidden Practices of the Occult" article
Back Down
God Bless you your family and your ministry.
Debi and I tried to support you over the past few years when we could. I want to take this
time to say, how much we appreciate the fact that compromise is not in your vocabulary. It
is good to see a ministry the stands for Truth and walks in the Anointing of the Holy
Spirit. I so appreciate the fact that you expose and stand up against those the promote
and deceive under the title of Emerging Church, New Age, the Occult etc. The Gospel of
Jesus Christ does not need to be rewritten for today's culture. The Book of Acts, our
outline is still the same and we are still men and women of God who need a Savior, who
need to know about the Cross, who need to know what the price of the Blood meant, who need
the Power and the Anointing of the Holy Spirit, who know that God and His Word are the
same, who need to know that there is a name above every name, that is the name of Jesus,
who need to know that there is such a thing as Absolute Truth and it never changes and
it's applications to us remain the same today. Never, never back down or take another
STAND. Continue to Stand in the Power of His Might. Fully armored and readied for Battle.
I believe that you need to be encouraged and Debi and I will continue to minister to you
financially and in word.
I just finished a wonder teaching and preaching
experience to Lugazi, Uganda in March. As a layman, I been blessed with opportunities to
minister to pray for those in need. God was so good as we taught, prayed and gave in an
effort to reach people, touch people and see lives transformed, Spirit, Soul, Body and in
every area of their lives.
Enough said for now. Keep up the good work. Never let this Gospel Slip. Stay
Strong and we will continue to hold you up in Jesus Name!!!
Stan (Oregon)

Please write Eric personally

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