Commencing on Friday, April
11, 2008 the Dalai Lama, spiritual leader of Tibetan Buddhists worldwide,
began a five day conference in Seattle. His sold out speeches, workshops and
panel discussions drew capacity crowds totaling more than 153,000 at venues
around the city from the Bank of America Center at the University of
Washington, Key Arena, where the NBA Sonics play and mammoth Quest Field, home
of the NFL Seattle Seahawks. As expected, millions more watched on television
and over the Internet where the events were webcast in twenty-four languages.
Having lived in the Seattle area for a total of twenty-five years of my life I
can tell you that this area is deeply entrenched in New Age thinking. In fact,
we refer to Western Washington as the very center of New Age thought, so a
visit by “his holiness” caused quite a stir there. (I am actually only about
20 miles from Quest Field as I write.)
Billed as “The Seeds of Compassion” after its key local Washington sponsors, a
great deal of the focus was on children. Organizers
emphasized that the Seattle event is neither religious nor political in
nature. (
Perhaps not overtly, but it certainly was covertly religious.
Certainly not everything promulgated by this conference could be construed as
pure evil. However, please rest assured that though the visit by the 14th
Dalai Lama may not have been a direct proselytization for Buddhism, it surely
served as a tool of massive desensitization to soften hearts and perk
interests for the cause of the Eastern religion. It will also strengthen the
humanistic yet strangely religious idea that man - and not eternal,
all-powerful, creator God - is the answer to our problems.
Don’t get me wrong. The freedom which our Constitution provides us surely
allows for the Dalai Lama to come to Seattle and present Buddhism openly if he
likes. At this point, it is a free country and we here do still enjoy the
freedom to speak out - at least for a season. (Christians in
Canada have dubiously stopped sharing this luxury with us for that nation’s most prominent
counter-cult ministry was recently shut down by the government for engaging in
alleged “hate speech,”) Besides the fact that Buddhism is a worthless,
salvation-barren religion, I have two bones to pick here.
First, though the local media nearly went silent on this aspect of the story,
local school districts bused in children to Seeds of Compassion events. Say
conference promotion stated, “Seeds of Compassion Children’s Day (Monday,
April 14) is a day for youth from all over Washington State to come together
and share their expressions of What Compassion Looks Like™ and to learn how to
grow their experiences of compassion from the leaders in the compassion
movement, most notably His Holiness the Dalai Lama. There will also be
multiple programs focused on children who will have booths set up at Seattle
Center to invite children to get involved with compassion.
Children will return by bus to their schools.”
According to the sponsoring Heritage Institute’s (not the Heritage
Foundation) website, “Tickets to the event were free – based on a
commitment to furthering compassion either by participating in the What
Does Compassion Look Like™ campaign or by using the compassion lessons
available on our website. Districts will be reimbursed for bus
transportation.” (
In preparation for the event, local Seattle area
schoolchildren were instructed for several days in visualization techniques
and phrases such as “Concentrate on being a hero. Now concentrate on being
compassionate. Now visualize yourself as a compassionate hero.” No, I am not
kidding. Nor am I exaggerating. This is plainly an exercise from New
Age-Buddhist philosophy being employed in the public schools.
What is most troubling is that these third graders don’t know that the next
step is the introduction of Spirit Guides (demonic powers) and the majority of
their parents are sitting at home enamored with the whole thing!

Besides the obvious New Age implications, two things stand out here.
For a teacher or
school district to have gotten into this special children’s day event (which
included an audience with the Dalai Lama), said school officials must commit
to actively participate in the ongoing campaign or they must use the
“compassion lessons” available on the Heritage Institute website. (Hummm, I
wonder what’s in the campaign and in those compassion lessons?)
Second, in effect the Seeds of Compassion conference paid to have children
pulled out of school and bused to the event. I’d have to say “not my
child!” But then I frankly wouldn’t trust the government schools to
educate my kids anyway, Dalai Lama or not. I know that some could argue
that we need to be exposed to cultural stuff and that the Dalai Lama is a
historical and political figure. However, he is in particular the glue
which holds Buddhism together worldwide. My job is to nurture and raise my
kids (now grandkids) up to serve, love and have a healthy fear for the
Lord – not to teach them to call the leader of a false religion “his
holiness” or to allow them to be introduced to visualization techniques in occultic realms riddled with demons. (Though I like the view from this
soapbox, I will reluctantly get down now.)
wonder if the next time Billy or Franklin Graham or some other high profile
Christian comes to town if the school district will be so quick to bus the
kids on over to the event? What’s more, where is the likes of the A.C.L.U.
when we need them? What about their ever-loving “separation of Church and
State?” Perhaps we should all just email and call the Seattle school district
offices congratulating them on finally seeing things our way and offer to
volunteer when in the future the kids are bused to hear some famous Bible
believing Christian speaker?
Second, in this supposedly “non-religious” event there was a lineup of
speakers, panelists and participants that would surely rival the list whom the
Antichrist will some day assemble to support his announcement of a full blown
one-world religion (See Revelation 13).
Seattle Conference Participants included:
• His
Holiness the Dalai Lama, (listed as) a simple Buddhist monk
• Archbishop
Desmond Tutu, Episcopal Archbishop of South Africa and Nobel Peace Prize
• Dr. Ingrid
Mattson, President of the Islamic Society of North America
• Rabbi
David Rosen, Chairman of the International Jewish Committee on Interreligious
• Roshi Joan
Halifax, Zen Buddhist Master and abbess of Upaya Zen Center
• Rob Bell,
emergent Christian leader, writer, and pastor of Mars Hill Bible Church in
Grandville, Michigan
• Sister
Joan Chittister, Benedictine Catholic nun, writer and teacher
• Pravrajika
Vrajaprana, Hindu philosopher, writer, and teacher
• Doug
Pagitt, evangelical author, pastor of Solomon’s Porch in Minneapolis, emergent
Christian leader
• Episcopal
Bishop Steven Charleston, President and Dean of Episcopal Divinity School and
a Professor of Theology
• Linda
Kavelin-Popov, co-founder of the Virtues Project
• Reverend
Samuel Berry McKinney, civil rights leader and pastor emeritus of Mount Zion
Baptist Church in Seattle
• Father
William Treacy, Interfaith leader, founder of Camp Brotherhood
• Ahmed
Tijani Ben Omar, Muslim scholar and spiritual leader
• Guru
Singh, Sikh philosopher and spiritual leader
• Steven
Shankman, the UNESCO Chair in Transcultural Studies, Interreligious Dialogue
and Peace
any names on the list leap out at you? How about Emerging Church leader Rob
Bell of Mars Hill Bible Church of Grandville, MI?

Bell |

and fellow Emergent leader Doug Pagitt (Solomon’s Porch of Minneapolis), who
was also a conference participant, seem to be a logical fit with the Dalai
Lama. Pagitt was listed as an “Evangelical” in the conference materials and
website yet he has proclaimed openly that “the gospel can be found in other
world religions.” It is because of unbiblical nonsense like this that I am no
longer referring to myself as an “evangelical.” Instead, please just call me a
“Bible believer.”
his philosophy, Bell told Christianity Today in 2004 "This is not
just the same old message with new methods. We're rediscovering Christianity
as an Eastern religion, as a way of life. Legal metaphors for faith don't
deliver a way of life. We grew up in churches where people knew the nine
verses why we don't speak in tongues, but had never experienced the
overwhelming presence of God."
Seeds of Compassion conference surely sums up much of what appeals to
Emergents. They believe that the message of Christianity is outdated and needs
a facelift. They seek to transform it into some sort of Eastern mystic idea
that they believe will appeal to their target audience of postmoderns. They
also long for a time when doctrine no longer stands in the way of full-blown
spiritual experiences. For in Emergent thinking, experiences seem to rule over God
inspired absolute truth. Since it would appear that most Emergent leaders are
long on feelings, social change and abandoning the past, perhaps Bell and Pagitt got some ideas and pointers on how to achieve their goals for
spirituality while in Seattle with the Dalai Lama.
I do
wonder who contacted who about participating in the Seattle gathering? Did an
organizer from Seattle realize that the apostate Emergent movement was a
natural to join forces with Buddhists, Muslims, Hindus, mystic Catholics,
assorted liberals and UN representatives for lively panel discussions during
the Seeds of Compassion get together? Since Emergents seek to reinvent every
facet of Christianity from doctrine to practice, then the quest for cosmic
“selfianity” and higher spirituality offered by Buddhism must surely hold
special appeal. After all, to these allegedly Evangelical leaders, biblical
doctrinal Christianity is extremely boring and outdated. Folks, the predicted
end-time apostasy is indeed in full swing (II Thess. 2:3).
In a
session titled “InterSpiritual Panel Discussion with His Holiness the Dalai
Lama – Inspiring Compassion in Our Youth: Youth and Spiritual Connection
Dialogue” both Bell and Pagitt participated. My, that sounds great on the
surface doesn’t it? But regardless of all of the sincerity they can muster,
these folks are all playing directly into Satan’s hands.
“Seeds” sessions included:
“Evangelicals and InterSpiritual Friends: Recovering the Compassionate
Tradition of Jesus” (with Rob Bell)
Group Experience as an Inroad towards Integrating the Mind, Body, Spirit and
Soul” Which is described as follows: “Join together in a journey addressing
the ways in which children and adolescents can use internal reflection to
become mindful of their thoughts and feelings, the way the body influences the
mind, and the causative factors in our motivation.” (In other words “use eastern
meditation to become focused.”)
for a Healthy Body and a Kind Heart” “For children ages 6-10 and their parents
or care-givers: play games, listen to stories and practice yoga postures while
learning how to benefit the body, mind, and heart.” (Pagitt promotes Yoga in
his Minneapolis church.)
It is
just this sort of religious, New Age and universalistic amalgamation that the
powers of darkness thrive in. To the unsuspecting it all sounds so positive –
“The Seeds of Compassion.” With the shape of our world today, one really can’t
blame the world for trying to figure solutions to its problems. Buddhism and
“Kingdom Now” or preterist theology (which alleged Evangelicals like Brian
McLaren and Rick Warren seem to hold to) both perfectly fit this mold. This
teaching tells us that we somehow are the saviors of the planet and that we
had better figure it out. In Buddhism, we humans are the answer to all that
ails us too. However, with his demonic ability to forge the world’s religions
together as one, this is the exact tact that Antichrist will use to gain trust
and control over the masses. It will be sold to the unregenerate mindset as
what is “right for the common good.” Mark my words - in days ahead there will
be many who claim to be Christians and many who will be
recognizable, high profile leaders who will blissfully lead their followers
down the proverbial garden path and into the arms of the Man of Sin. I believe
that many of the same deceived, apostate teachers who will lobby for and do
the bidding of the Antichrist will also be responsible for the ridicule,
marginalizing and persecution of authentic Bible Believers in the days just
before the Son of Perdition is revealed to the world.
Frankly, it doesn’t take a prophecy expert to see that many tentacles of the
predicted last-days are at work around us. From the general rise of evil and
the acceptance of occultism as “normal” to the great “falling away” of those
who have previously professed to be Christians, the signs of the times are
evident. When one couples the great state of unrest which our world is in with
the mass proliferation of false religions and new age philosophies how can
Bible believers help but deduce that the return of the Lord Jesus must surely
be near?
Dalai Lama and his one-world religion entourage may have come to Seattle but
surely, the Holy One of Israel is indeed on his way as well. Amen.