Praise the Lord!
I pray this letter finds each of you blessed and fruitful in the harvest
I'm writing from Peoria, IL
where I am in meetings at a local church.
Though our email updates are
mailed to folks literally around the world, I thought that since
America's celebration of Independence Day is fast approaching it would
be pertinent to address the foundations of our nation once again.
Let freedom ring as we
proclaim that Jesus is indeed LORD over America!

IS a Christian Nation!
who has attended our seminars probably remembers that I am an ardent
believer in "Christian" education. Once we were delivered from the drug
culture and the secular music scene, Melanie and I sent our daughters to
Christian schools and now we are blessed to see our two oldest
granddaughters attend a good Christian school as well. But that’s not
really what I mean when I say "Christian education." It is one thing to
be educated in a Christian setting and to have the advantage and
blessing of being taught the Bible and related issues. But equally
important is our obligation to pass on our historical heritage as a
Christian people and to make certain that our lineage and virtually all
who come in contact with us are given the opportunity to understand the
tremendous, even astounding truths that frame the freedoms that ALL
Americans share.
Today’s secular education
establishment is littered with glaring inaccuracies. That statement will
upset many but please don’t misunderstand. I am grateful for Christians
who teach in our public schools and who attempt to instill absolute
values in our kids. It is the sometimes-inaccurate curriculum that
concerns me most. Though arguably the curriculum deficiencies may be
numerous, I wish to focus on one in particular here. In the case at
hand, it is not that curriculum writers have necessarily introduced
erroneous information. Instead, they have ignored an entire historical
aspect so crucial to our American birthright that we should all wonder
just what else might be missing in the year-by-year plan brought forth
by these so-called "keepers of knowledge."
Today’s public school students are
taught to varying extents about the Revolutionary War. They hear about
Paul Revere, Ben Franklin, Thomas Jefferson and others from our history.
But they hear precious little about what our Founding Fathers believed
spiritually, about the enormous importance which faith played with them
and about the very core reason why they fled England and declared
themselves independent of its tyrannical rule.
According to an intense study from the University of Houston 52 of the
56 most influential men who founded our nation were not just believers
in a deity but
were real, Bible-believing, born-again Christians!
This remains one of the most disregarded or distorted facts by the
secularist in our day. Regardless of all of their human failures and
other inconsistencies, it is obvious that the Founder’s goal for a new
nation was to live in physical and religious liberty – a value that
seems lost in the thinking of organizations such as the American Civil
Liberties Union, People for the American Way, the NEA and others.
What better way is
there to see a society abandon historical truths than to allow them to
be revised, misshaped or omitted from school textbooks? Mark my words,
our Founders lofty and spiritually inspired ideals are slowly fading
from view at the hands of those who publicly boast in their pledge to
do damage to the
centuries-old goal and privilege of experiencing Christian freedom,
standards and evangelism in our land.
Make no mistake; it is
NO accident that the curriculum is mum on who we really are as a nation.
With the spirit of humanist educator John Dewey leading from his grave,
the secularists have fought hard to accomplish their goal of
"Christianity free" textbooks. At very least they desire to play down
religion and do injustice to the historical significance of the faith of
our Founders.
Upon reading those
five words the prevalent atheist, liberal mindset would decry the
statement as a "right-wing, fundamentalist plot." However, when one
examines where this statement originated it is hardly that.
In rendering its
decision in the case Holy
Trinity Church vs. the United States, our Supreme
Court stated, "These and many
other matters which might be noticed, add a volume of unofficial
declarations to the mass of organic utterances that this is a Christian
nation." In fact, in making the decision on February
29, 1892 (accomplished by sighting a whopping 87 precedents) Justice David Brewer concluded:
"Our laws and institutions must
necessarily be based upon and include the teaching of the Redeemer of
mankind." That is enough to cause today’s liberal
judges, politicians and educators to keel over in a dead faint! Perhaps
this is why so many have taken the tact of ignoring and eliminating the
Christian heritage of America from the view of our children?
In my seminar and DVD
“The Rise,
Fall and Redemption of America”,
I explain the deadly path that secularists have led us down and suggest
that it is our Christian responsibility to initiate change. In doing so,
I sight many inspirational facts and quotes from the Founding Fathers.
One of the most thrilling details, which is virtually ignored by today’s
school curriculums, is that the Founders saw Isaiah 33:22 as a basis for
what would become the three branches of our US federal government and
the separation of powers therein.
“For the LORD is
our judge, the LORD is our lawgiver, the LORD is our king; it is he who
will save us.”
– Isaiah 33:22
- Judicial
Perhaps one reason
facts such as this are being eliminated from public view is, that as
second President John Adams stated,
"America’s Constitution was made for moral and religious people. It will
not work for any other people.
secularists despise the identity which our Founding Fathers held dear
and have systematically attempted to delete our Christian history in any
way they can.
It is truly in our
hands to see that succeeding generations understand, respect and are
given the opportunity to live by the principles that truly guided our
nation to the past greatness which we still enjoy remnants of today.
Allow the words of
Noah Webster, the father of American education, to resound in your
heart. They are still the truth today.
is useless without the Bible...The Bible was America's basic text book
in all fields."
"In my view,
the Christian religion is the most important and one of the first things
in which all children, under a free government ought to be instructed. .
. . No truth is more evident to my mind than that the Christian religion
must be the basis of any government intended to secure the rights and
privileges of a free people."

Warnings for a Wayward Nation
cannot be emphasized too strongly and too often that this nation was
founded, not by religionists but by Christians; not on religion, but on
the gospel of Jesus Christ.”
Patrick Henry
"The patriot who feels himself in the service of
God, who acknowledges Him in all his ways, has the promise of Almighty
direction, and will find His Word in his greatest darkness, a lantern to
his feet and a lamp unto his paths.' He will therefore seek to establish
for his country in the eyes of the world, such a character as shall make
her not unworthy of the name of a Christian nation."
- Francis Scott Key, writer of "The Star Spangled Banner"
was born a Christian nation. America was born to exemplify devotion to
the elements of righteousness which are derived from the revelations of
Holy Scripture.”
- New
Jersey Governor Woodrow Wilson (May 7, 1911 before his election to
President of the United States)
"Feel and acknowledge that all the good you have
ever received, that you now receive, or ever will receive is of grace
through Jesus Christ. Trust in Him for all which you need, both for this
life and the life to come. Rely on His merits, imitate His example, and
in view of every blessing give Him and the Father and the Holy Ghost all
the glory.”
George Washington (Rule 17 from his "Seventeen Rules of Life" <Read
them here>)
Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD; and the people whom he hath
chosen for his own inheritance.
Psalm 33:12
Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old
paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest
for your souls.
Jeremiah 6:19
The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all
the nations that forget God.
- Psalm 9:17
Restoring America's Christian Heritage
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