First Dr. Falwell and now
Dr. Kennedy
Most of you know by now that this morning D. James
Kennedy went home to be with the Lord. He was a longstanding and popular
radio and television minister, the author of the well traveled
"Evangelism Explosion" program and pastor of Coral Ridge Presbyterian
Church in Ft. Lauderdale, FL since 1959.
I was just reading some of the vile trash being
said about Dr. Kennedy in an AOL blog. It is sick and sickening and is
simply representative of the evil nature of sinful man. It never ceased
to amaze me how the death of Christian leaders brings out the worse of
fallen nature. The faceless unaccountability and anonymity of the
Internet allows every low life still breathing to make snide comments
when we lose someone the stature of a Falwell or a Kennedy. Is there no
respect left for the dead or instead, are we indeed in the last-days? I
think we know that both are true.
Now, with that said...I knew both Dr. Kennedy and
Dr. Falwell. They were terrific, moral men, who absolutely loved people
- even those who would throw barbs at their deaths. They were both
deeply troubled by the lack of integrity and morality that my generation
help foster in the "feel good" 1960's. When Dr. Falwell died recently
even liberal Al Sharpton and pornographer Larry Flint commented on his
unshakable kindness. Larry King said he never heard Falwell say a mean
thing - on the air or off.
Though I did not have the pleasure of knowing
either man well, I had the honor of Dr. Kennedy writing liner notes for
my book Entertaining Spirits Unaware in 2000. I ministered at
Coral Ridge Presbyterian twice, spoke in chapel at Coral Ridge's
Westminster Academy school and was also a guest on Dr. Kennedy's "Truths
that Transform" radio program. Dr. Fallwell wrote the forward for my
2002 book Disarming the Powers of Darkness and was a key mentor to my
co-author, David Benoit. I will forever be blessed by their endorsements
but more so by the fire for God's Word that they both so passionately
desired to pass along.
Finally, the legacy of Dr. Kennedy and Dr. Falwell
was to encourage Americans and people everywhere to stand up for
absolute values and to return to the only thing that matters - a
personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Tonight and every moment for
all eternity they will both enjoy unspeakable heavenly rewards. As I wrote when Dr. Falwell passed, our loss is truly Heaven's gain.

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