Be sure to read the emails below. They
reflect the wide scope of topics and will help you understand some of the opposition that
we face on a daily basis.
Also, some of you recently received a card in the mail from us concerning our current
operating budget deficit. If you are among those who have sent a gift to help us combat
the so-called "summer slump" we really appreciate it. Melanie and I are so
grateful for your continuing support, friendship and prayers.
But the need is not yet met.
We are still running dangerously behind.
Would you please seek God about helping us at this crucial time? If everyone who reads
this email would just do what the Lord impresses them to do then the need would be met and
we'd be launching our next outreach.
You can mail a donation to help clear the
deficit to: Take A Stand! Ministries - POB 1485 - Rowlett, TX 75030 or just click here to give a gift
using your debit or credit card or the PayPal service.
Thanks so much and God bless

make a donation, click here

The Misconceptions of
Apologetics Ministry
Dear Eric,
First let me say that it is wonderful to see the strength and devotion you show towards
our saviour Jesus Christ.
It seems to me however that your energy would be better spent in bringing the gospel of
Christ to people in areas that would not otherwise have the opportunity, rather than
trying to crush the faith of those who already have a belief in him, regardless of whether
it agrees with your personal interpretation of the bible or not.
I strongly recommend you obtain a copy of the DVD "Bullhorn" from Rob Bell of
Mars Hill Bible Church's "NOOMA" series and seriously think about how this
relates to you and your website.
I am certain your intent is one of love and concern, however in reality your message comes
across as one of hatred and intolerance, an image which is hardly positive in bringing
people to Christ.
Finally I would like to say that having only read a small amount of your websites content
I have already discover that it is poorly researched and misrepresentative of the faiths
which you are attempting to attack. This leads me to seriously doubt whether you have even
read The Koran, The Book or Mormon or any of the other books of scripture you have
attempted to discredit.
Above all Jesus taught us to love others. Your website hardly promotes this view.
Kind Regards
Russell (Australia)
Eric Responds:
Hello Russell,
I would like to say that I appreciate the opening comment but I have received far too many
backhanded compliments over the years I've been doing this.
Now, lets see what you said...
It seems to me however that your energy would be
better spent in bringing the gospel of Christ to people in areas that would not otherwise
have the opportunity, rather than trying to crush the faith of those who already have a
belief in him, regardless of whether it agrees with your personal interpretation of the
bible or not.
I assume you are supposing that Muslims, Mormons, New Agers and others are somehow saved
merely because God indeed does love them too? Who is it that you are referring to who
"already have a belief in him?"
You said "personal interpretation"... I am merely following the ideal that the Bible
is inerrant and alone is God's final word to mankind. My "brand" of salvation
and Christianity in general is the historical model of what the Jesus Christ taught the
Apostles to teach. Of course, one has to believe the Bible and hold to it alone as
mankind's only accurate and reliable spiritual guidebook to follow implicitly what the
Apostles modeled (i.e., the book of Acts and the Epistles). My that sounds so out of date
doesn't it? It surely does not match what modern denominational spiritual liberalism
espouses today. This is because they involved in the business of religion while merely
calling themselves "Christians." Liberals and so many others want to make up
their own rules and ignore what they dislike from the Bible. My contention is that we
either believe (and follow) all of the Bible or we really don't believe it at all.
I am certain your intent is one of love and
concern, however in reality your message comes across as one of hatred and intolerance, an
image which is hardly positive in bringing people to Christ.
What you perceive as "hatred and intolerance" is most likely because you somehow
think I "hate" people of other religions. The opposite is of course actually the
case. If I didn't care about people - genuinely care - than I'd certainly never want to
put myself in the position that being in this kind of ministry often places me in.
I do admit, however, that I am very intolerant of any and every religion that destroys
people for eternity.
Finally I would like to say that having only read a
small amount of your websites content I have already discover that it is poorly researched
and misrepresentative of the faiths which you are attempting to attack. This leads me to
seriously doubt whether you have even read The Koran, The Book or Mormon or any of the
other books of scripture you have attempted to discredit.
OK, I need your input here. It is so easy to make a blanket statement like you have here.
So, tell me where it is poorly researched. Give me exact pages and examples. Tell me where
I misrepresented other religions. Again, page references and examples. I'm curious if you
have done 20+ years of research on the cults and aberrant belief systems? I own, read and
research the Koran, The Book of Mormon, etc., regularly. However, I do NOT refer to them
as "scripture."
Above all Jesus taught us to love others. Your
website hardly promotes this view.
It would appear that you have no concept of the Biblical precedent of apologetics. You
refer to "Our saviour Jesus Christ." I am curious what that means to you? Is He
indeed the only way to be saved? Only you can say what your belief system actually is for
sure but perhaps you are adverse to this kind of ministry because you are an inclusionist
or a universalist or have fallen for the fallacy that there is more than one way to be
saved. Perhaps you are LDS. In which case I would ask "which Jesus" are we
talking about...the one whose teaching is reflected in the New Testament or the one the
Apostle Paul warned of in II Cor. 11:3-4?
Whatever belief system you adhere to, it is obviously one that is simply adverse to the
complete council of God's Word.
The Apostle Paul makes it clear that one of the qualifications of being a Christian leader
is to (by sound doctrine) shut the mouths of those who present adverse and deceive
teaching which has the capacity to subvert entire families from the faith. (Titus 1:9-16)
He says: "rebuke them sharply." (v.13) There are many other passages I could
site but suffice to say that New Testament Christianity is not about acceptance of all
belief systems, in fact, quite the contrary.
Jesus indeed did teach us to love others. Exposing false beliefs has NOTHING to do with
how much we may love the people. In fact, pointing out the errors - which send untold
numbers of people to an eternity in hell each and every moment - is actually the most
loving act I can imagine provided that in doing so we point them to the Lord Jesus and His
unique saving grace and mercy.
The Bible calls Christians to "contend for the faith", i.e., exposing false
belief systems that are eternally damning to the souls of men. It is simply our task to
follow this admonition no matter how disturbing it may be to some.
I'll close with a thought from G. K. Chesterton who wrote:
"There is a notion abroad that to win a man we must agree with him. Actually the
exact opposite is true. Each generation has had to be converted by the man who
contradicted it most. The man who is going in a wrong direction will never be set right by
the affable religionist who falls into step beside him and goes the same way. Someone must
place himself across the path and insist that the straying man turn around and go in the
right direction."
Thanks for writing.
Eric Barger
Breath of Fresh Air!
I heard you last year at the Chicago Sunday School Convention and had
bought a few of your books...which inspired me to grow in Christ to new heights.
So it was like a breath of fresh air to receive your newsletter. The
information is vital and we are blessed to have gleaned from what God has shown you. Thank
you! God's blessings of grace and peace be abundant to you.
A Second Breath of Fresh
Steve and I really enjoyed seeing you in Rockwall (TX) recently and are
being thoroughly blessed by your newest video and the audio on the death and resurrection
of Jesus. You really have a unique ministry. Thanks for bringing forth the TRUTH to a
mixed up and whacked out world. What a breath of fresh air you are! Our best to Melanie.
We love you guys!
- Joanne
Your ignorance boggles the mind. Stop peddling your hate religion.
- GF (England)
A "Just the Right
Time" Email
Thanks seems like a small thing to say.
I appreciate you sending me the email on the Mormons.
My brother in law was going to their church at the time and you seemed to send the email
JUST AT the right time.
I forwarded the email on to him. And to make a long story short. He has come back to the
TRUTH. He was raised in a Pentecostal Holiness Church and has always known the Truth but
as he got older has researched everything from Budda to Hinduism to Mormons.........
I just praise My Lord and Savior that this past Saturday he gave his heart back to God and
told me he hasn't felt the spirit like that in YEARS......
To God be The Glory.......Thanks for ALL you do for God to help reveal the truth to others
in need...
Love in Christ
Eric Comments:
It is letters like this that
help us persevere in this ministry no matter how strong the demonic or human oppostion may
More Christians Defending
Dear Mr. Barger,
I have read your article on Harry Potter. I will be straight up with you-
i disagree. for one, yes there is witchcraft in it, but not real witchcraft. It is nothing
that real witches ever use- it's pure fantasy. And of course you disagree with fantasy.
However, C.S. Lewis used fantasy, J.R.R. Tolkien use fantasy and so thousands and
thousands of other use fantasy and magic. Yet you are not writing against them, or at
least not that I have seen. you might say that they, being C. S. Lewis used them to praise
Christ. True, but never once have I read in Rowlings something that denounces Christ.
ALways, the good characters use magic for good. Vice versa for the bad ones. Moving along,
you mentioned all the bad things that the characters did right? Now I have to ask you, are
even good people perfect? As kid, haven't we all flounted authority, or told a whopper?
And if you think about it, if Harry was all perfect, never messing up, never feeling
afraid or sad, or stupid, he wouldn't seem that real would he? same with all the other
characters. kids, teens, even adults relate better to people who aren't perfect. Because
you see what makes Harry a hero is that he looks past all that and does what he needs to
do. in the books he has the world on shoulder, yet he does not back down. People admire
that. Instead of thinking about his loss, the presure, the danger, he thinks about what is
best for others. Yeah it may sound cheesy, but its true. And between the lines, you can
see God. In the first and fifth book, Dumbledore say that love is greater than death, and
that only thing that kept Harry from dying is love, cause you see, Harry's mother died for
him. So in the first book, Voldemort couldn't touch him-literally because the love of his
mother was in his very skin. "No greater love than this, that a friend lays down
their life for a friend." And when you think about it, isn't that what Christ did for
us? He died for us so we could live. The devil cannot touch us, because of Christ's love.
yeah he can tempt us, hurt us, put us down, but cannot touch us. There are more fleeting
images of God, the faithful(wormtail) who betrayed Lily(Harry's mother) and James. The
sign of slytherin is a serpent, the sign Gryfindor is a lion, and so much more. So don't
tell me that Harry Potter books are evil. I respect your opinion, but please, please give
J.K. Rowling's books a chance- read them. Or read Connie Neal's book What's a Christian to
do with Harry Potter. John Granger also has an excellent book on Harry Potter too.
Please write back!
Eric Responds:
Thanks for writing!
I am not certain if you read my book or which of the articles on our website but I suggest
that you read the following very carefully.
Also, please examine:
When God condemns the world of the occult, he condemns ALL of it. (please see the
reference about Deuteronomy 18 in the article.) Since you are willing to invest the time
to read the huge Potter books, I hope you'll invest a little time to understand how your
view is in such complete disagreement with the Bible.
I don't claim to know it all by any means but I do know that many, MANY Christians are
deceived about this issue. I have examined the Potter novels very carefully and have
concluded that not only do they present witchcraft in a positive light but that the
morality and character presented by the heroes does not present the absolute standard that
the Bible dictates for us as Christians. Also, there is no such thing as "white"
or good magic. Supernatural power is only defined by the source of the power. It is either
completely good (coming from God) or completely evil (satanic). Potter nowhere gives God
glory and if Rowling had done so, it would not have been valid given that she used so many
occult practices (endorsed or performed by the heroes).
Have we all sinned? Of course, but why are you trying so hard to defend heroes are
obviously do not attempt to live by the standards God expects us to ascribe to?
Also, since when is Satan not able to "touch" us? If we decide to operate our
lives by our will and standards and not by complete submission to God we have opened our
lives up to sometimes subtle and sometimes very direct attacks. I contend that many
Christians who have endorsed and filled their hearts with so called "positive
occultism" have actually sabotaged God's blessing, provision, healing and protection.
How can we say we love God and then try and justify practices and ideals that His word is
so very clearly against? I have personally seen the unbiblical confusion that Connie Neale
and John Granger's books have caused. Miss Neale and I have been guests on the same radio
program. Do I think she is a Christian? I don't know. Are her views biblical? Absolutely
As for CS Lewis and Tolkien... I am very concerned. Please read:
Thanks again for writing and for studying God's word. That's the only way you or I will
ever know what positions we must take on this and other important issues in life.
Bless you!
Another "Deeply
Disturbed" (Christian) Harry Potter Fan...
I have a few questions for you. In your website, you state that Harry
Potter is bonifide Witchcraft. If you could explain that, I would be delighted. The
occult, real life magic, is based upon satan is it not? Harry Potter isn't. In fact, it's
not based on any divine power like a god or demon. And be realistic. Real witches cannot
possible blurb some magic words, wave a wand, and transform a rat into a goblet. If you
think this is possible, then I am very concerned for you. Before you made this website,
did you actually read the books? Do you even know what your talking about? I don't think
you do. Never in my entire life have i read anything so rediculous as the ignorant
information on your sight. I'm sorry for bashing you so, but i've had plenty of instances
where i've had to actually defend my beliefs in Harry Potter since im a Christian. But i
regret nothing i've written in this Email. Simply put, you must be ignorant and blind to
obvious fact to consider that Harry Potter is the occult and therefore promotes real
witchcraft. Are you bashing anything else? What about Huckleberry Finn? I could easily
picture you saying that it promotes racism. I can also picture you saying that Santa
Clause, the tooth fairy, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, etc are all the devil. But of
course, i think the tooth fairy and Santa Clause are stupid and id never tell my children
about those lies. But, i would let them read harry potter when they reach a mature enough
age to discern from fact and fiction. Obviously, you haven't reached that maturity yet. I
feel sorry for you. And to close, i leave your site feeling deeply disturbed at you view.
Eric Responds:
You really don't think I am offended by your comments do you?
I am so glad you are disturbed. I hope you are disturbed enough to study God's word on
this issue.
No, many practicing occultists (those in witchcraft in particular) do not acknowledge
If you doubt the power of witchcraft then you obviously know NOTHING about it. (Ever seen
a demon possessed person who was manifesting Lance? It'll make a believer out of you that
witchcraft is no play thing and that there is NO SUCH THING as "white" magic.)
Since you are a Christian, please read - VERY CAREFULLY these two pages.
Is it just me or does no one else claiming to be a Christian understand how clear God's
word is concerning His children advocating or participating in the promotion of
witchcraft? (This includes being entertained by it.) Who gives a rip how popular, well
written or fascinating ANY book is. If the Bible forbids it and you care what God says
then its up to you to avoid it.
Lance, I have been exposing the occult longer than you have been breathing. You need to
get your blinders off and read your Bible.
Finally, Somone Who Agrees
About Harry Potter!
In reference to your Harry Potter comments, there are a lot of us out here
who agree with you and we are getting the same treatment. Much prayer is needed I think
and much love and patience. We are praying but of course, there is always more prayer
needed. Keep looking up and thank you for staying true to God's heart rather than man's
heart. With deep respect,
We welcome your comments and ideas. Please write Eric here.
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or send your best gift, requests, and prayer
needs to:
Take a Stand! Ministries
PO Box 1485
Rowlett, TX 75030 USA |