Traveling nearly nonstop for
the past three months has been somewhat grueling and each day seemed harder being away
from my family so much. But the reward has been great as this Fall we've seen some awesome
results with dozens and dozens of people saved at the meetings - well over 20 in just one
I have come home to a sort of administrative nightmare however. Since Melanie is pretty
much consumed with the care of and personal affairs of her mother and father neither of us
have had the necessary time and opportunity to tend to the administrative and clerical
needs of the ministry. But with some effort and prayer we'll survive and everything will
get done! I am staying off of the road for a time to attend to these matters as well as to
research, plan, write and most importantly to spend some time with my family.
In a few weeks my traveling seminar and preaching ministry will pick back up to full speed
but in the mean time we're counting on your support. Besides the added responsibilities of
caring for our aging family members I am sure that you realize that it is imperative to
take time to do the "behind the scenes" stuff and to keep the ministry moving
exactly where the Lord wants it to go.
Will you please pray for us and consider
making a special end-of-the-year gift to help us "KEEP STANDING" so we can
accomplish the tasks at hand?

To make a donation to help us keep "Taking a
Stand!" click here
or send a gift to: Take A Stand!
Ministries - PO Box 1485 - Rowlett, TX 75030
Worship and the Taliban?
By Eric Barger
Though they are far
apart on almost every issue the array of earth worshipping New Agers and those who embrace
the ideals of Afghanistans former
radical Islamic government do have at least two things in common. First, they despise the
tremendous freedoms we enjoy here in the USA, (in particular the
Christian conservative element that ceaselessly works to maintain those freedoms) and
second, they would love to take us back to permanently enjoy the technical advancements
and human progress of about the 7th century and would do so if only they could.
It is the latter that I want to comment on here. (continued)
Read this whole article and comment too at Eric's NEW BLOG
the Watchtower Knocks
Quick tips in reaching the Jehovah's Witness at your door
By Eric Barger
Twice in recent days Jehovah's Witnesses have knocked on my door. Let me share with
you an extremely powerful set of passages which refute the Watchtower's assertion that
Jesus is an angel.
Revelation 1:8 calls God the Father "The Alpha and Omega; the First and
Last" (JW's will say "Amen!")
Next, in Revelation 1:17-18 one calling Himself "The First and the Last"
states "I was dead but now live" Hummmm...interesting. Now ask: "When did
God die?" They will begin to look nervous.
Finally, go to Revelation 22:12-16. This passage speaks of judgment and again the
speaker calls Himself "The Alpha and Omega - The First and the Last" in verse
13. Have them read the passage aloud through verse 16 using the King James Version or if
they insist, their "New World Translation (the 1984 NWT that I have leaves these
passages in tact).
One cannot divorce Rev 22:12-15 from verse 16 where Jesus clearly calls Himself
"The Alpha and Omega; the First and Last." So, there are either two
firsts and two lasts or Jesus is indeed equal to and one with
Jehovah and not the angel named Michael!
Though they may argue or, as they have done with me in the past, even run from your
door keep in mind that a thoughtful, loving and uncompromising presentation of truth may
result in another soul rescued from Satan's grasp! This is the kind of work our ministry
is doing each week. Allow me to challenge you to do the same as we all work towards the
goal of seeing the lost set free from cultic error.
here for more on Jehovah's Witnesses and other cults
Classic Mormonism
Video Closeout
Order all four VHS videos above and receive Jim Spencer's
brand new DVD "Mormonism: Has Anything Changed?" |
$12 each or all
five items for $39
Limited quantity are
available. Please order immediately.
To Order Click HERE
We welcome your comments and ideas. Please write Eric here.
Comment Online at Eric's new blog
Visit our newly designed Online Bookstore!
Thanks For Your Support...
We couldn't do what we do with
Thanks and God bless you!
To contribute with
or send your best gift, requests, and prayer
needs to:
Take a Stand! Ministries
PO Box 1485
Rowlett, TX 75030 USA |