Modern Church Growth Movement - Growing the Wrong Way
by Eric Barger
Preach the word; be instant in season,
out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. For the time
will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they
heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from
the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.
- II Timothy 4:2-4
Most Christians are aware that within the
Church today there is great doctrinal confusion on many fronts. In fact, the list of
theological debate topics seems endless. Some of the issues spark healthy dialog and some
result in little more than dogmatic diatribe. But while we discuss the merits of Calvinism
vs. Arminianism or the historical inaccuracy of Preterism a multifaceted Trojan Horse has
wormed its way in under the surface in virtually every Christian circle. For
simplicitys sake well refer to it as The Modern Church Growth Movement.
The Modern Church Growth Movement (MCGM)
sounds so positive. After all, who could be against church growth? The movements
gurus have established strong platforms to use in selling their ideas to Christian leaders
and in so doing have become recognized throughout the church world. While certainly not
everything advocated by these writers and speakers is invalid, it would seem that today
all one has to do is devise a marketing plan and attach a few Scriptures to it and one can
find acceptability and popularity within our ranks.
Over the past 100+ years Christianity has witnessed the decline of
nearly all of the so-called mainline denominations. The once strong movements associated
with Luther, Wesley, Calvin and others have suffered greatly at the hands of liberal
theology. Throughout this period Bible believers have spawned new fellowships in an effort
to join with others of like minds and to bring clarity to the message that Jesus is indeed
the way and that the Bible is the truth. In the case of the liberal
denominations, the scriptural warning that "A little leaven leaveneth the whole
lump" (Gal 5:9, I Cor 5:6) certainly fits. Once error starts unless it is removed
it eventually infects the entire body.
It is not the latest trend that is happening in the liberal
denominations that I am writing about here however. It is what has happened and continues
to happen to Bible-believing EVANGELICALS, FUNDAMENTALISTS and PENTECOSTALS that must be
revealed. The "new" gospel that is now being accepted and preached in thousands
of once-strong churches (as well as countless liberal pulpits) must be exposed for what it
is in hopes that lay people and leaders will arise against the deception presently passing
itself off as "the faith. (continued)
Read the entire article
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