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Concerning the Opposition Discerners Often Receive... (For
see Eric Barger's
Facebook post from early on January 6, 2015)
This is a very interesting day for the Body of Christ when confusion reigns
and much of the opposition at least CLAIMS to come from within the Church.
popularity of authors and teachers sadly holds more sway and trumps the
Bible in the thinking of many here in the Postmodern age.
The real issue in nearly every case or controversy concerning discernment
issues or apologetics boils down to exactly what position the Bible occupies
in our thinking and decision making. Discernment and apologetics is viewed
as anathema by the Church Growth gurus who have infected many of the leaders
in this current generation. Many in the congregations around us have never
been taught the Scriptural concept of "test everything." Instead of
insulating their people from false doctrines and beliefs by way of biblical
truths and precepts, many bent on changing the Church into what THEY want
now regularly mock and disdain the discerners, the prophecy teachers, and
others branded as "doom and gloom" merchants. They've been told that "Seeker
Sensitive," "Positive," "Self Improvement," "Here-and Now," and of course
"Purpose Driven" approaches will guarantee the seats are filled, the
offerings are substantial, and will leave congregations ecstatic from all
the spiritual goose bumps they'll experience - even though the power of the
Gospel has been voided.
Today, precious few have little or no understanding of the command of
testing all that is taught as a message from God by using Scripture. I'm
reminded of what a wise pastor remarked to me early one Sunday a few years
ago. That is that a pastor only receives in his congregation what he has
cultivated in them from the pulpit. People never taught to discern likely
won't think much of it which is why we are suffering from a stunning lack of
discernment among professing evangelicals today.
Some are simply adverse to employing discerment because doing as the Bible
says concerning it might lead them to conclusions they simply do not want to
face. It does tend to shake one up when it's realized that those in the
Church's "cult of personality" who've been telling you for years that the
Gospel is out of date are actually the problem in our midst instead of the
- I Thess. 5:21-22
- Isaiah 30:9-11 |