Bible Prophecy
www.ericbarger.com |
About the Authors
Eric Barger (Bar-jer) is a well known conference
speaker, author and evangelist with a no-nonsense message for today. His challenging,
biblically based "Take
A Stand!" Seminar series has been held in churches across North America since
1984. Coming from the world of rock music as a professional musician, recording engineer,
and record producer, Eric was lost in New Age mysticism and drug addiction. Then, in 1981,
he met Jesus Christ! Eric is now a recognized author of several books including the
Christian bestseller, From Rock to Rock. He has written for USA Today and has been
featured on hundreds of radio and TV broadcasts and widely across electronic and print media. His evangelical teaching
ministry concerning issues such as the New Age movement, the cults, spiritual warfare, and
current events in the light of Bible prophecy is headquartered in
Washington State, where he resides with his wife, Melanie. To bring him to your church, to receive his
free newsletter or to request a materials list,
HERE or contact:
Take A Stand! Ministries
P.O. Box 279
Spanaway, WA 98387
or online at www.ericbarger.com.
David Benoit (Ben-wah) accepted Christ as Savior
in 1972 after a rebellious teenage life had led him to reform school. He is now a graduate
of Liberty Baptist
College (now
Liberty University ). In 1984, he founded Glory
Ministries, an evangelistic ministry. His expertise in exposing the New Age movement and
the occult led him to author two books, Fourteen Things Witches Hope Parents Never Find
Out and Whos Watching the Playpen? He has hosted his own daily radio talk show in
Dallas, been interviewed on various Christian programs including the Inspirational
Network, Trinity Broadcasting Network, Moody Broadcasting, "Point of View with Marlin
Maddoux," Dr. D. James Kennedy, and Bob Larson Live. He is also a frequent guest host
for the Southwest Radio
Church program. David has the rare ability to communicate his
message to young people, as well as to parents, using humor and interesting facts. His
goal is to strengthen the family and to give them the biblical tools they need to live in
these troubled times. David resides in the Lynchburg ,
Virginia area, with his wife
Debbie, and children, Brandon and Lindsay. Contact him through:
Glory Ministries
114 Trading Block Ln
Forest , VA 24551
or online at www.gloryministries.com
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© 1997-2022 Eric