Seminar Descriptions
(Partial list)
The Rise, Fall and Redemption of America? (Previously Titled "Whatever Happened to America?") In this seminar Eric looks at our heritage as a nation and the Christian roots on which we were founded. Quotes and history from our founding fathers will strike the chords of "God and Country" in our hearts. Compelling information to pass along to our friends and families! |
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Harry Potter, Pokémon,
Hollywood and The End-Time Occult Invasion The sometimes subtle, sometimes overt promotion of the occult in our culture is proof positive that we are indeed in the last days. Adapted from Erics new book Entertaining Spirits Unaware: The End-Time Occult Invasion this material is vital for church leadership, parents and grandparents. |
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The MOST Dangerous Cult In uncompromising fashion, Eric Barger dissects liberal theology and explains why it has become the MOST dangerous cult among us. Provocative, eye opening and vital to all who claim the title "Christian" today! |
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Will the Real Jesus Please Stand Up? Taken from the adage that we should know why we believe what we believe, Eric examines the many "Jesus" being promoted by the cults and New Age Movement today. Which one do you serve? |
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Click here to view a sample of Eric's seminar slides from these first four seminars
Defeating Darkness Seven Ways The Believers Victory in Spiritual Warfare Daily victory in the Believers life is often not easy to come by. Drawing from his forthcoming book, Disarming the Powers of Darkness, Eric outlines seven powerful tools God has given every Christian to assist us in personal victory over the Evil One. |
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How I Came From Rock to Rock Eric Bargers Story Eric tactfully details his life as a rock musician, record producer, drug addict and New Ager. Often the most requested session Eric presents each week in churches across North America, youll be inspired to continue praying for those who seem farthest from the Lord as you hear how Gods love and grace changed Eric Bargers life. |
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ISLAM: The Deadly Doctrines In this seminar Eric dissects the
complicated world of Islam and documents the life and revelations of its prophet,
Muhammad, the Koran, the Muslim "Jesus" and looks at the origin and identity of
Allah, "the moon god." Reading directly from Muslim sources
and the Koran, Eric also looks at Islamic claims that it is a "peaceful"
religion, the call for "Jihad," the 9/11 terrorists and the pronounced Islamic
intent to "cover the planet for Allah." Witnessing to Muslims may be the most
difficult task in evangelism today, but they are NOT beyond the
outstretched hand of the Savior and His Cross! Learn how to see Islamic people set
free through your efforts! |
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Other Messages include...
Dan Browns Da Vinci Fantasy
Was Jesus Married? Did He really rise from the dead? How can we be sure? Are there more
books of the Bible than weve been told? Did the Church cover up the
facts? The runaway success of The Da Vinci Code
serves as a warning. A growing number of ancient heresies are making a comeback. It is the
responsibility of Christians to speak out and use this opportunity to win the lost for the
Kingdom of God.
The Proof and the Power of the Resurrection
Taken from Erics three part series, this faith-building message debunks the agnostic
theories about the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ and examines biblical evidence,
prophetic fulfillment, statistical probability and historical accounts which lead to just
one conclusion Jesus was, as He said He was Messiah!!!
The Real Purpose of the Church What The Modern Church Growth
Movement didnt tell you
Todays Christian world is a maze of Church growth ideas, seeker
sensitiveness and new ways to do church. But are these ideas REALLY from
God? In this challenging message Eric Barger carefully examines these new trends and takes
a biblical look at the ideas promulgated by many in the MCGM today. Above all, this
message brings us back to the three-fold command the Lord emphasized time and again in the
Gospel accounts which is the REAL purpose of the Church.
Is Everyone ALREADY Saved? The Truth about
the Cult of Inclusion
In shocking numbers, once strong evangelical churches and ministers are declaring that
everyone is saved and on the way Heaven EVERYONE! Sighting Biblical statements out
of context such as Jesus died for the sins of the whole world and God
wishes none would perish, this deadly and confusing doctrine is leading countless
thousands to accept a false gospel and a worthless salvation. Learn what you can do to
help anyone lost in this unbiblical and disturbing trend and above all examine with Eric
Barger exactly what the Scripture actually states. Also, learn an airtight method to
present the real gospel to anyone in just TWO MINUTES.
Exposing the Spirit of Korah
This important seminar deals with the assault upon pastors and God-ordained leadership. A
must for struggling churches.
The Hidden World of the Occult and Our Triumph Through the Cross!
Witchcraft and Satanism in our schools
Psychics and channelers on
Occult symbols throughout our culture
Eric draws on years of
research compiled in his book, Entertaining Spirits Unaware: The End-Time Occult Invasion
and outlines the position that Christians must take in these last-days. Includes the
Nine Forbidden Practices and updates on Halloween, Harry Potter, Yu-Gi-Oh and
The Legacy of Defending the Faith
In this session Eric discusses the need for todays Believer to be versed in
apologetics (defense of the faith) and polemics (the ability to expose false religious
systems). This session can be expanded to two hours to include a question and answer
period from those in attendance. The Q&A has proven to be a great time of learning and
The Battle for Breakthrough More than Conquerors in the Spiritual War
The Scripture indicates that Satan often hinders the work of the Believer. Teaching from
his book Disarming the Powers of Darkness, Eric Barger reveals
the secret on both battling through to victory and standing firm when resisted.
The Battle Cry of Praise
From Erics newest book, Disarming the Powers of Darkness,
comes this powerful teaching on Spiritual Warfare. Highlighted with many Scriptures,
this session will lead those in attendance lead to an expanded understanding of personal
victory through the power of praise and worship!
New Age Truth or
Old Age Deception?
Over the last three decades our culture has been inundated with mystic beliefs. Thought
mind boggling in scope, the many faces of the New Age display some key elements every
Christian should recognize. In this important session Eric Barger defines the modern New
Age Movement, traces its roots, discusses the major doctrines of the New Age and
identifies what Scripture says about it.
Breaking the Seductions of Satan How to Reach the Cults for Christ!
Bringing an effective Christian witness to those lost in the cults and New Age is often
tedious and unfruitful. In this session Eric draws from his over 20 years in apologetics
ministry and outlines effective ways to reach the lost. Youll see the "Great
Commission" in a new light!
For more on Eric's Ministry click here!
All rights reserved. Copyright © 2006, Eric Barger
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1485 - Rowlett, TX 75030