I am
grateful to finally be sending this update to our subscribers and I want to
begin by saying how much we’ve appreciated the emails and calls from those
of you checking in on us. It’s an understatement to say that regardless of
many other factors, we have all endured a very unique and dark experience in
2020. Though the turning of the calendar year surely isn’t going to put our
collective earthly troubles to rest, a new year can bring optimism and seems
to offer a fresh start in some respects. For us who’ve firmly placed our
trust in the Lord Jesus, our long term future is one filled with eternal joy
and peace! However, our concern is with the events between now and that
great day when we enter His presence.
And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due
season we shall reap, if we faint not. As we have therefore opportunity, let
us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of
faith. - Galatians 6:9-10
In the past few months, I've watched as God has stretched and expanded my
personal boundaries. Perhaps you've been experiencing some of this too.
There have been unusual opportunities to engage in ministry in some
uncharted waters. It is at times like this - when we move outside of what
we're accustomed to - that our dependence on God's leading is crucial. But
regardless of how or where or to whom the opportunities to engage in
ministry may manifest, I am even more resolute concerning the importance of
biblical apologetics. Also, recent events are shouting to us that the Lord
is coming for His own, very soon. This is a critical time to remain focused,
steadfast and persevering in the mission Christ gave the Church.
Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the
Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all
things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even
unto the end of the world. Amen. - Matthew 28:19-20
Since the Coronavirus shutdowns began, I have been limited in carrying out
the #1 mission God called us to engage in - which is traveling to preach and
teach from the Word. In fact, just when the first round of government
mandates were announced last spring, I was about to begin five weekends
ministering in conferences across both the US and Canada. Obviously, all of
those events were either canceled or postponed. But the ministry has
survived and we're going on regardless of any setbacks!
Our ministry has always depended on offerings and honorariums from churches
and conferences where I have been invited to speak and minister. Considering
that last weekend I was in a church pulpit preaching for just the sixth time
this year you can understand some of the toll that the pandemic of 2020 has
exacted on us. But it could have been far worse. With the exception of the
sharp decline in income from our seminar and conference ministry and my
personal frustration in sitting still while there are lost souls to win,
there has been a hidden blessing in being stymied from traveling out to
minister full time as I’ve done each month for over 37 years. I'll explain
about that blessing in just a minute.
Melanie’s Health Struggle...
For Melanie and me personally, 2020 has continued with the most trying and
troubling time of our collective lives. Many of you are aware that back in
2017-18 Melanie experienced an extended bout with the H. Pylori stomach
bacteria. You may also be aware that once we returned from leading our most
recent trip to Israel in November 2018 that she continued to experience some
very painful issues that caused us to seek help from several doctors
including two gastroenterologist and a naturopath. Now, after several
procedures, including four CT scans, we believe we’ve finally gotten to the
root of the problem that has caused her so much discomfort.
Honestly, saying it like that doesn't really do justice to how debilitating
this whole health issue has been for us and for the ministry. Change is
perhaps the one great constant in life on earth and we know challenges are
bound to come. As believers, we are comforted in knowing that God has been
us through all of the twists, turns and adjustments. There’s been great
solace in understanding that He’s sovereign and aware of each and every
nuance long before Melanie ever experienced an iota of pain.
I know that many of you have also gone through medical issues, financial
problems, emotional stress - and worse during 2020. Had we not asked for
prayer and then received numerous inquiries as to how Melanie was doing;
there would probably not be so many words in this update. The absolute best
news is that we are thankful to know that her condition is not life
threatening, though I'm sure there were times when she had wondered if God
just wasn't going to allow her to go Home early.
To put this as succinctly as possible, we have discovered that Melanie's
large intestine is considerably longer than other individuals of her same
stature. This has finally caused a portion of it to bend over upon itself
(imagine an "S" curve on a highway). What ensued has become an advanced case
of diverticulitis, which can completely devastate and destroy sections of
the intestine. In Melanie's case, the bulging diverticula has ruptured and
will likely need to be surgically removed.
Recently we conferred with a surgeon who was very helpful and who prescribed
a low dose but longer than normal regimen of antibiotics to attempt to
instigate healing. In January, Melanie will have another CT scan and we'll
discuss surgery. In the meantime, I am asking each and every one of you to
pray for Melanie, particularly that the severe pain she is still
experiencing daily (sometimes hour to hour) will decrease and be gone
PERMANENTLY and that she'll receive complete healing from the Lord. I
will post updates as things progress.
Now, what was that "hidden blessing" I mentioned earlier? It is simply that
the pandemic brought about a temporary but mandatory halt in travel for me.
In Melanie's absence from the ministry, I have become our de facto office
manager. I have also taken up the daily duties of cooking, cleaning, and
other responsibilities that she has always carried out so marvelously in our
home. Bluntly, I do not know how or what we would have done if I would have
been faced with being out on the road presenting ministry as well.
Physically, it just could not have happened. But because so many lives and
schedules have been disrupted by the pandemic, an interesting byproduct has
been that we’ve received a steady influx of ministry related questions
concerning many aspects of apologetics and discernment. Many are also
seeking biblical understanding about what is transpiring all around us
during these last days. In providing answers to those calls and emails, I
have been considerably busier than normal and in this respect; the ministry
has certainly forged forward. Sure, I’ve definitely had my hands full but
it’s been a privilege and I’ve managed.
2020 has presented challenges galore, Melanie and I have watched as God has
sovereignly taken care of financial needs during this challenging time.
Thankfully, we haven’t had to take any drastic actions just to stay afloat
and that is a clear testimony of what God has and is calling us to perform
in His Kingdom.
This Email Update is the first mention of anything you’ve received from us
resembling fund raising in 2020. God, as always, has provided in sovereign
ways using the hands of His people. But with the added expenses of doctor
visits and the drastic slash to my speaking schedule (our primary funding
source), I’ve thought that what is happening is akin to Elisha and the
widow's oil in 2 Kings 4. It has been amazing how far it appears each dollar
has stretched for us this year. I praise God that considering the emotional
stress stemming from Melanie’s illness that our finances have not been
dominating every discussion. But we are aware how each day presents new
challenges and the need for more faith on our behalf.
Year-End Giving is Always Crucial

It has only been during this fall that we have seen a slowing of
contributions to the ministry. Perhaps this is a result of my silence in
fundraising or from not stressing our financial needs. Regardless, with the
year drawing to a close, now is the time for those looking for where you
might place your final gifts of 2020 - and we do need your help and
Besides sending a check to our Spanaway, Washington address or using
PayPal here online, we are now able to receive one-time gives or
repeating regular donations via
SimpleGive. It is the most
cost-effective way to support the ministry electronically but regardless of
how you might contribute; every gift of any size is always appreciated. Just
click the "support" box below for details. Thanks for your prayerful
From the very bottom of our heart and in the spirit of Christ's love, we are
grateful for your prayers and support now and until He comes for His Church.
God bless you!