We're pleased to offer a special package
of Eric's most recent DVD presentations!

powerful DVD message illustrates the desperate need for clear and decisive
biblical apologetics in the Church today. Find out why author and Christian
apologist, Eric Barger, believes that the popularity of William "Paul"
Young's emotionally charged story, The Shack,
signals an unprecedented lack of discernment from within Christianity.
Learn about
the unbiblical, unorthodox theology contained in this runaway bestseller and
soon-to-be-released motion picture and how it threatens to deceive untold
numbers of both Christians and seekers in our midst.
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Universalism has become the "politically correct" religion of choice of many
in public life today. Through the misguided ministries of Carlton Pearson,
Mike Williams and others, a form of Universalism known as "Universal
Reconciliation" has made inroads into modern Christianity as well. In this
DVD presentation, Eric Barger defines and illustrates Universalism and
compares it to biblical Christianity.
Above all, this message clearly illustrates the biblical truths of salvation
through Jesus Christ alone, the absolute need for a regenerating, "born
again" experience and the fact that eternal and unending separation from God
awaits all who reject salvation through Jesus sacrificial death.
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Today, in an effort to
redefine Christianity, alarming numbers of popular yet apostate
"evangelical" leaders known as "The Emerging Church Movement" are abandoning
historic and biblical standards.
This unscriptural, even deadly movement is part of the predicted "great
falling away" of 2 Thessalonians 2:3 as Emergent leaders now proclaim that
the Church has failed in its mission, that doctrine is irrelevant and that
the very basis of Christian thinking has always been faulty. In this seminar
Eric defines Emergent thinking and terms, concisely exposes the practical
and doctrinal errors of the Emergents and draws the striking parallels to
New Age thought.
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Learn the TRUTH about: * Five Doctrines of
the New Age * Learn How to Identify New Age Thought * Role of the Christian
in Exposing New Age Errors *
This message also details the beliefs and influence of Oprah Winfrey and
other leading New Agers.
After living in the New Age "Mecca" of Seattle and having come out of the
New Age Movement himself in 1981, Eric draws from years of personal
experience and research here. This summary of New Age philosophy and
spirituality that has helped thousands understand the dangers of the
Movement, its doctrines and the reason for its proliferation.
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DVDs are $16 each or ALL
FOUR for $50!
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"One of Everything" OFFER
For a gift of $250 we'll send
to Shopping Basket)
our Stuff!
This offer now includes:
18 full length DVDs
10 audio CDs
$424 value for just $250.00
(plus shipping) |
* Build a library of Apologetics Materials!
* Get them for your church!
* Order Multiple Sets - Give them as Gifts!
* Support the Ministry of Take A Stand!
Topics include:
Mormonism, New Age and Cults, Apologetics, Liberalism/Purpose Driven
Philosophy, Spiritual Warfare, Islam, Harry Potter, Rock Music/Eric's
Take A Stand! Seminars are Changing Lives
Every Week!
Call 214-289-5244 or email
us today to schedule Eric for your church or community.

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