Update - July 17, 2009
Eric will be on "Understanding the Times with Jan Markell" Saturday, July 18 at
10am cst
Topic 1: Follow
up on the recent outreach in Orlando, FL during the General Assembly of the
Church of the Nazarene
Topic 2: Eric will
present his testimony of deliverance from drugs and the rock n' roll lifestyle,
freedom from New Age spirituality and how the Lord called he and Melanie into
the ministry of Apologetics some 26 years ago.
Don't miss this program!
Click here for
- Listen to the program
"live" on the Internet
- Receive Jan's widely distributed Podcast starting
on Monday night
- List of stations that carry the program.

Mark You Calendar and Plan to
Attend Jan Markell's "Understanding the Times 2009" Conference
October 9-10, 2009
Grace Church, Eden Prairie, MN (Twin
Gary Kah
Dr. Ron Rhodes
Eric Barger
Here for Information
Concerning the "Concerned
Nazarene's" DVD...
you would like a copy of the two hour and forty minute DVD presentation
that was distributed by the "Concerned Nazarenes" group during the
General Assembly of the Church of the Nazarene in Orlando we would be happy to
send you one. (Order
Here) The DVD features interviews with several outstanding Christian
speakers and writers who share my concerns about the Emergent
philosophy. They include: Johanna Michaelsen, Pastor Gary Gilley, Ray
Yungen, Mike Oppenheimer and Sandy Simpson.
(Please note that
DVD is broken into chapters for easy
viewing or using in Sunday School classes or small groups.) |
receive your copy of the DVD and my "How to Spot the Emergent Church"
brochure (of which 20,000 were printed for distributtion in Orlando)
just click here.
Southwest Radio Church Program CDs
Eric Barger and Dr. Larry Spargimino expose
Emergent Heresy and Interview Biblical Nazarenes
We still have a few sets of CDs available of the three Southwest Radio
Church broadcasts...
Order yours - FOR A GIFT OF ANY SIZE before they are all gone!
We appreciate your prayers and your continued support. God bless you!
Write Comments
to Eric here
(Please do NOT click "reply" to write
us back.)
Recent Ministry Updates:
July 12 - A Final Word on Orlando Outreach and Rick Warren Preaches
Unity to Muslim Group
June 22, 26, 27 - Eric Barger and
"Concerned Nazarenes" to confront Emergent Error in Orlando
June 19
- Rick Warren to Speak at Islamic Society Convention
June 16 - Barger Video Upsets Emergent Defenders
May 29 - Biblical Nazarenes Rally
April 14 - How to Spot the Emergent Church
April 2 - Looking for Truth in a Tattooed World
March 2009 - DVD Special
March 12 - Warren, Obama, The Shack, Emergent and more
"One of Everything" OFFER
For a gift of $250 we'll send:

This offer now includes:
20 full length DVDs
10 audio CDs
$424 value for just $250.00
(plus shipping) (Add
This to Shopping Cart) |
* Build a library of Apologetics Materials!
* Get them for your church!
* Order Multiple Sets - Give them as Gifts!
* Support the Ministry of Take A Stand!
Topics include:
Mormonism, New Age and Cults, Apologetics, Liberalism/Purpose Driven
Philosophy, Spiritual Warfare, Islam, Harry Potter, Rock Music/Eric's
Visit Our Online
Schedule Eric Barger for your Church or
Call 214-289-5244 or email
us today to schedule your church or community.

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"Take A Stand! Ministries exists to see the lost saved and
the Church changed by the power of God!"
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straightforward apologetics Ministry is important to you, then we appeal
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Take a Stand! Ministries
PO Box 1485
Rowlett, TX 75030 USA |