Alert - June 19, 2009

shouldn't shock us but this Sunday the
Indianapolis Star will run a
feature story reporting that Rick
Warren (author of
The Purpose Driven
Life and Pastor of Saddleback Church
in southern. California) is going to be a featured speaker at the annual
convention of
The Islamic Society of North America, July 3-6 in Washington, DC.
Warren's picture currently appears on the groups website. (Click
here for story.) I do
wonder what sort of Purpose Driven church, er, ah, make that mosque
growth tips Warren will share with the conference participants? Is peace
at any cost worth it Rick?
Warren will
be in some very dubious company in Washington. Another speaker at the
conference will be Dr. Dr. Muzammil Husain Siddiqi, the Director of the
Islamic Society of Orange County (California), and former Director of
Islamic Affairs for the Muslim World League Office in New York.
You have
probably seen Dr. Siddiqi before since he was chosen to address the
world during the National Day of Prayer and Remembrance service held at
the National Cathedral in Washington, DC just three days after the 9/11
attacks on Sept. 14, 2001.
As our nation mourned that day, he began with the standard Muslim
greeting "May the peace of Allah be upon America." What most American's
didn't know then and still don't know now is that in Islamic beliefs
every person is either a member of the "house of peace" (Muslim) or a
member of the "house of war" (non-Muslim). In Muslim-speak this means,
"you will only be at peace when you convert to Islam - otherwise you are
the enemy"
Previously, in October 2000, Dr. Siddiqi protested outside the White
House. In his speech he said "The United States is directly and
indirectly responsible for the plight of the Palestinian people. If you
remain on the side of injustice the wrath of God will come." He then
affirmed his support for the terrorist organizations Hamas and
Earlier in 2001 Dr. Siddiqi also led a flag burning in Los Angeles where
he spat on and cursed the American flag. This is the crowd Rick Warren
is now friendly with???
Siddiqi has publically affirmed
Qur'an sura 5:36 applies to any who are "mischief makers” - that is, any
who attack or cause trouble against Islam. Here are the chilling words
of sura 5:36 which demands swift "justice" against those who oppose
Muhammad and Islam:
The punishment of those Who wage war
against God And His Apostle, and strive With might and main For mischief
through the land Is: execution, or crucifixion, Or the cutting off of
hands And feet from opposite sides, Or exile from the land.
I guess Warren figures he's safe.
These few
facts and so much more that I have written about previously outlines why
efforts such as the ongoing dialog coming out of Yale Divinity school to
establish common ground with Islam are foolhardy at best.
Yale position
paper signers Rick Warren, Robert Schuller, Bill Hybels, Leith Anderson,
Jim Wallis, Brian McLaren, Richard Mouw and others have ignored the
absolute fact that
Islam and Christianity do not worship
the same God. Thus any common ground they may seem to find with Muslim
is based on the false and dangerous assumption that Allah and Jehovah
are one in the same. I have outlined this clearly in
Their god is NOT
our God! and
I Can't Sign the Letter.
Muslims will eternally perish without Jesus
Christ. Rather than trying to see how much we have in common with them,
concerned Believers might better spend their time pointing out the stark
difference between Islam and Christianity - the resurrected
Jesus Christ, who is calling Muslims to
exchange worthless religious bondage for true peace and everlasting joy.
More on Rick
Warren here
Recent Ministry Updates:
June 16 - Barger Video Upsets Emergent Defenders
May 29 - Biblical Nazarenes Rally
April 14 - How to Spot the Emergent Church
April 2 - Looking for Truth in a Tattooed World
March 2009 - DVD Special
March 12 - Warren, Obama, The Shack, Emergent and more
February 6 - A Few Reasons to Pray for Obama
January 22 - More details on Rick Warren and Obama
January 22 - Just When I Thought I Could Say "Amen"...
January 17 - Let's Review - What was that about Rick Warren anyway?
December 30 - What You Said About Warren and Obama
December 27 - Rick Warren Should Have Rejected Obama's Offer
December 20 - Twenty-Five Years of "Taking A Stand!"
November 26 - "Bringing
out into the Son"
November 22 -
Death of Discernment - How The Shack
Became the #1 Bestseller in Christianity"
August 15 - "The Errors of the Emergent Church"
August 7 - "Evangelical Meltdown - Islam and Christianity at Yale"

powerful DVD message illustrates the desperate need for clear and decisive
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apologist, Eric Barger, believes that the popularity of William "Paul"
Young's emotionally charged story, The Shack,
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falling away” of 2 Thessalonians 2:3 as Emergent leaders now proclaim that
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