Ministry Update
- June 16, 2009
Live Webcast - Wed. 6/17
I'll be a guest on Southwest Radio Church's
weekly live webcast tomorrow. That's Wednesday, JUNE 17 at
12 noon eastern / 9am pacific time.
Log into the program at and listen as we discuss
a number of issues. In particular, I'll be bringing an update on the
Emergent Church and the upcoming international convention of The Church
of the Nazarene.
Don't miss the program - only at
Nazarene Update
From my friend Manny Silva we have an
excerpt from
Nazarene General Superintendant Dr. James Diehl @ Grove City, OH Ordination
Service, Spring 2009 (Emergent Defenders will hate this!)
and the Authority of the Bible: 1908-1988: Eighty Years of Changing
Definitions In the Church of the Nazarene - Dr. Daryl McCarthy (This is
a terrific and very important piece.)
Ministry Opportunity
As some of you know, I am currently working
on the first of two book manuscripts slated for completion this Summer.
Thus, for the next few weeks I am am only accepting a few sporadic
speaking dates, mostly in the Pacific Northwest.
If you or your church is interested in
scheduling me for a service or two please
contact me HERE. Let's
pray and see how together we might impact your church and community
through the dynamic and evangelistic Take A Stand! seminar series!
For general
scheduling information CLICK HERE
Barger Video Upsets Emergent
After reading so many nasty comments on YouTube concerning my video
clip exposing the Emergent heresy which is at work inside the Church of the
Nazarene, I have decided to weigh in once more and address the Emergent
defenders. Click here to
watch the video clip and then read my commentary:
It ALL Comes Down to the Word of God!
Response to YouTube comments about Eric's
video clip "Emergent Church and the Church of the Nazarene" from "The Errors
of the Emergent Church" DVD
Recent Ministry Updates:
May 29 - Biblical Nazarenes Rally
April 14 - How to Spot the Emergent Church
April 2 - Looking for Truth in a Tattooed World
March 2009 - DVD Special
March 12 - Warren, Obama, The Shack, Emergent and more
February 6 - A Few Reasons to Pray for Obama
January 22 - More details on Rick Warren and Obama
January 22 - Just When I Thought I Could Say "Amen"...
January 17 - Let's Review - What was that about Rick Warren anyway?
December 30 - What You Said About Warren and Obama
December 27 - Rick Warren Should Have Rejected Obama's Offer
December 20 - Twenty-Five Years of "Taking A Stand!"
November 26 - "Bringing
out into the Son"
November 22 -
Death of Discernment - How The Shack
Became the #1 Bestseller in Christianity"
August 15 - "The Errors of the Emergent Church"
August 7 - "Evangelical Meltdown - Islam and Christianity at Yale"

powerful DVD message illustrates the desperate need for clear and decisive
biblical apologetics in the Church today. Find out why author and Christian
apologist, Eric Barger, believes that the popularity of William "Paul"
Young's emotionally charged story, The Shack,
signals an unprecedented lack of discernment from within Christianity.
Learn about
the unbiblical, unorthodox theology contained in this runaway bestseller and
soon-to-be-released motion picture and how it threatens to deceive untold
numbers of both Christians and seekers in our midst.
Live Seminar Presentation
Watch Clip of Video
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Today, in an effort to
redefine Christianity, alarming numbers of popular yet apostate
“evangelical” leaders known as “The Emerging Church Movement” are abandoning
historic and biblical standards.
This unscriptural, even deadly movement is part of the predicted “great
falling away” of 2 Thessalonians 2:3 as Emergent leaders now proclaim that
the Church has failed in its mission, that doctrine is irrelevant and that
the very basis of Christian thinking has always been faulty. In this seminar
Eric defines Emergent thinking and terms, concisely exposes the practical
and doctrinal errors of the Emergents and draws the striking parallels to
New Age thought.
Live Seminar Presentation
Watch Clip of Video
DVD Add to Cart
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"One of Everything" OFFER
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This offer now includes:
20 full length DVDs
10 audio CDs
$424 value for just $250.00
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Topics include:
Mormonism, New Age and Cults, Apologetics, Liberalism/Purpose Driven
Philosophy, Spiritual Warfare, Islam, Harry Potter, Rock Music/Eric's
Take A Stand! Seminars are Changing Lives
Every Week!
Call 214-289-5244 or email
us today to schedule your church or community.

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PO Box 1485
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