Discerning the Times in the Light of the
Eric Barger - Press Release and Bio
Eric Barger (pronounced Bar-jer) After 20 years lost without Jesus Christ as a record producer, musician, drug addict and New Ager, Eric is now beginning his 26th year of full-time Apologetics Ministry, confronting both the culture and the Church as he focuses on the Cults, World Religions, the Occult, Spiritual Warfare and troubling trends and doctrinal issues facing Christians in these end days.
He is the author of numerous books such as The Rock Music Rating System, the best-seller From Rock to Rock, Entertaining Spirits Unaware: The End-Time Occult Invasion (with co-author David Benoit) and his 2002 release, Disarming the Powers of Darkness.
Eric has written for USA Today, The Christian World Report, The Christian Worldview Network and has been interviewed by hundreds of print and electronic media outlets, including Time Magazine and Fox News. He has been a featured guest on many Christian and secular programs, such as Truths That Transform with the late Dr. D. James Kennedy, Southwest Radio Church, Point of View with Marlin Maddoux, Lamb and Lion Ministries’ “Christ in Prophecy” with Dr. David Reagan, Unraveling the New World Order with Dr Larry Bates and Canada’s 100 Huntley Street and It’s a New Day broadcasts.
The late Dr. D. James Kennedy told his audience, "Everyone needs to read Eric Barger's insights." And radio host and author the late Marlin Maddoux called Eric "One of the utmost authorities on the Cults, the New Age and Rock Music today."
Since 1984, Eric Barger has traveled 200+ days a year across the US and Canada presenting his unique mix of teaching and evangelism through "Take A Stand!" Seminars in conferences, churches and Christian schools.
Presented in a uniquely personal, yet “no compromise” manner, Eric's multi-media messages, like his writing, are Biblically based, doctrinally sound and evangelistically focused. Whether through single church seminars or multi-church conferences, Eric Barger and Take A Stand! Ministries continues to make a lasting impact for the Kingdom of God.
Eric is an ordained minister with United Evangelical Churches. He serves on the executive boards of ministries such as Columbia River Fellowship, Steering Wheel Ministries and is the vice-president of the apologetics group, Saints Alive in Jesus. As an accomplished musician, he is currently writing and recording several songs of worship.
For more information visit TAKE A STAND! Ministries web site at www.ericbarger.com
Take A Stand! Ministries
- POB 1485 -
Website - www.ericbarger.com Email - ebarger@ericbarger.com
Latest Books
(This is a partial list. Eric is currently presenting over 25 seminars and
many other messages.)
The Rise, Fall and Redemption of America? (Previously Titled "Whatever Happened to America?") In this seminar Eric looks at our heritage as a nation and the Christian roots on which we were founded. Quotes and history from our founding fathers will strike the chords of "God and Country" in our hearts. Compelling information to pass along to our friends and families! |
Harry Potter, Pokémon,
Hollywood and The End-Time Occult Invasion The sometimes subtle, sometimes overt promotion of the occult in our culture is proof positive that we are indeed in the last days. Adapted from Erics new book Entertaining Spirits Unaware: The End-Time Occult Invasion this material is vital for church leadership, parents and grandparents. |
The MOST Dangerous Cult In uncompromising fashion, Eric Barger dissects liberal theology and explains why it has become the MOST dangerous cult among us. Provocative, eye opening and vital to all who claim the title "Christian" today! |
Will the Real Jesus Please Stand Up? Taken from the adage that we should know why we believe what we believe, Eric examines the many "Jesus" being promoted by the cults and New Age Movement today. Which one do you serve? |
Click here to view a sample of Eric's seminar slides from these first four seminars
Defeating Darkness Seven Ways The Believers Victory in Spiritual Warfare Daily victory in the Believers life is often not easy to come by. Drawing from his forthcoming book, Disarming the Powers of Darkness, Eric outlines seven powerful tools God has given every Christian to assist us in personal victory over the Evil One. |
How I Came From Rock to Rock Eric Bargers Story Eric tactfully details his life as a rock musician, record producer, drug addict and New Ager. Often the most requested session Eric presents each week in churches across North America, youll be inspired to continue praying for those who seem farthest from the Lord as you hear how Gods love and grace changed Eric Bargers life. |
ISLAM: The Deadly Doctrines In this seminar Eric dissects the
complicated world of Islam and documents the life and revelations of its prophet,
Muhammad, the Koran, the Muslim "Jesus" and looks at the origin and identity of
Allah, "the moon god." Reading directly from Muslim
sources and the Koran, Eric also looks at Islamic claims that it is a "peaceful"
religion, the call for "Jihad," the 9/11 terrorists and the pronounced Islamic
intent to "cover the planet for Allah." Witnessing to Muslims may be
the most difficult task in evangelism today, but they are NOT
beyond the outstretched hand of the Savior and His Cross! Learn how to see Islamic
people set free through your efforts! |
For more on Eric's Ministry click here!
Take A Stand! Ministries
- POB 1485 -
Internet Website - www.ericbarger.com
Email Eric here