Take A Stand! O N L I N E

"Discerning the Times in the Light of the Word"


Microscope on the News - editorial

by Eric Barger

Bill Clinton,

"Walking Apostle of Hope"?

* President still searching for the meaning of repentance and his own definition of "honor"

* Campolo and others should be ready to walk if "scorched Earth" becomes reality


(King Nebachadnezzar) said, "Is not this the great Babylon I have built as the royal residence, by my mighty power and for the glory of my majesty?" (Daniel 4:30)

On the evening of January 25th President Clinton made a statement that has made me shudder ever since I heard it. While addressing the Fifth Millennium Evening in the East Room of the White House he concluded the evening by stating:

"I would just like to leave you with this one thought. You all know that I am a walking apostle of hope and progress. The question is, how do you pursue it without arrogance, with appropriate humility and without a definition that is too narrow?"

"Apostle of hope?" "Arrogance?" "Humility?" Isn’t it the exact opposite?

Perhaps the feeling I am sensing is one of sheer amazement and fear for him. How does this President become so deluded as to think he is a "walking apostle of hope" anyway? It is only when one has lost touch with reality and has created his own (as new age thinking suggests) that it can be imagined how Bill Clinton can believe he is a "walking apostle of hope". Moreover, he assumes his audience agrees. What mesmerizing powers this man has over those who live in relativism!

Quite a mantle Clinton believes he is carrying isn’t it? So majestic and alluring, especially if you have bought into the idea that we just can’t get along without him. Oh, I guess knowing much of what he has said and then knowing some of what he has done it shouldn’t be baffling that he now proclaims himself an "apostle of hope". After all, this is the man who could not define the word "is" when deposed under oath? So it follows logic to ask: what does "hope" actually mean to Bill Clinton?

It should be of little wonder that he now wishes to be envisioned in such noble terms. "Pervert" and "liar" don’t go very well on the old resume do they? But in biblical understanding unrepentant sin in one area of life (such as lying) often leads to a vast array of problems in other areas. One outgrowth is believing your own untruths and carrying them to new heights. The fuel for this is usually pride and arrogance. The same fuel that led King Nebachadnezzar to command that he be worshipped. (Daniel 3)

Anyone who has heard me speak knows I believe we have a responsibility and biblical admonition to pray for our political leaders (I Timothy 2:1-4). My audiences also know that I have a heart to see the Clintons saved and truly delivered from sin. However, I constantly address the responsibility we have as Christians to identify the areas that need our attention in spiritual warfare as we pray for our leaders. In other words, identify the sin and attack it in the spirit. This proclamation by the President that he is an "apostle of hope" certainly qualifies as an area we ought to be extremely concerned with. It speaks of the underlying root of unrepentance and pride that has gripped Bill Clinton since his days in Arkansas. Now, this spirit has risen to new heights in year six of his presidency.

Hope and Honor?

Hope? What does Bill Clinton hope for anyway? A better question might be, how does he define the word? I suppose that is a fair question in light of his sworn testimonies. Today, February 12th, 1999 - the day of infamy when then Senate laid aside their Constitutional responsibilities and gave him a pass on removal from office - he is hoping to not be caught in anymore lies and misdeeds. He is hoping not to be indicted by a grand jury later. He is also hoping history will somehow give him the same pass that spineless Senators and left-wing Media types have now. Is this real hope? Is it honor? And what does that leave our kids with? Do they just follow with this thinking that hope is not having truth catch up with you in consequences and that honor is relative? If so, future generations will have Bill Clinton to partially blame for the lack of honesty, repentance and honor.

Most all of us have been faced with the predicament of being caught in a lie and only being sorry we had been found out. Such is the case with Mr. Clinton. That’s not real repentance now is it? Nor is it repentant to unleash the dogs in a wild attempt to "get even", employing a "scorched earth policy" against political opponents. Look out, for it appears that that is coming.

If Bill Clinton was truly sorry for the shame he has brought to himself, his family and the office of the President; if he had real definable honor, we would have been addressing Mr. Gore as president long before this. But Clinton is determined to redefine honor and cling to power until the very last second. This is his hope. In examining the Executive Orders he has tried to enact (such as suspension of elections in times of emergency) one can easily imagine that a Y2K failure (leading to marshal law) has him thinking about being our Monarch instead of just the President.

Dear Dr. Campolo…

Let me advise just a couple of things in closing. First, to Anthony Campolo, and the President’s other spiritual advisors. Please don’t disgrace the ministry any longer by trying to explain to us that he is really repentant. His actions of avoiding, parsing and denying his way through the courts and depositions speak louder than any words ever could.

Even though Campolo, as with most Democrats, see Clinton - zits and all - as more palatable than any conservative Republican, doesn’t the righteous truth of the Gospel speak above the din of social politics? If Mr. Clinton had not been so brashly defiant concerning the Paula Jones case would America have ever heard the words "I’m sorry"? No. If it weren’t for the blue dress and the modern science of DNA testing he would still be denying each and every charge i.e., "I did not have sex with that woman, Ms Lewinsky…".

Repentance for this President is only predicated on having been caught. Incremental contrition has been contingent on seeing how the polls deem the American public would accept it. When I’ve needed God’s grace and mercy as Bill Clinton does right now, I have laid it on the line with those my words or actions have effected and depended on the Cross for His mercy. In the President’s case if he were truly sorry he should have long ago given up the "Slick Willie" act and done the honorable thing and resigned in true repentance.

Upon hearing of the Senate votes acquitting him on all counts the President must feel invincible. He immediately called for a time of "reconciliation" and "renewal" and said that one who is forgiven must also forgive. If we now see House and Senate Republicans undergo smear campaigns at the hands of White House operatives can one with any conscience say that Clinton is really remorseful for his deeds? If indeed Clinton’s henchmen do go on an all-out post trial war to personally destroy the opposition how can Campolo and the President’s other spiritual advisors remain his counselors and supporters? There is a time to shake the dust from your feet in allegiance to the Cross.

And to fellow Christians, let us be aware of the depth of delusion that holds this man, our leader. Bent on remaining in office, addicted to power and promiscuity it does not take a cynic to understand that demonic powers, who induce psychopathic thoughts and deeds, have a hold deep inside of Bill Clinton’s soul.

Clinton’s vision as "Father to the people" is evident as he closed the Millennium Evening stating:

"…feel free to write to me about the things that you're most worried about and the most hopeful about, and what you think I ought to spend my time between now and the millennium doing for you and the rest of the world."

Surely he sees himself as a savior to the world. A King speaking to his subjects. It is the spirit of Lucifer striving for equality with God and the spirit of the Antichrist to come. It was this same spirit of pride that brought God’s judgment on Nebachadnezzar.

"You will be driven away from people and will live with the wild animals; you will eat grass like cattle and be drenched with the dew of heaven. Seven times will pass by for you until you acknowledge that the Most High is sovereign over the kingdoms of men and gives them to anyone he wishes.
The command to leave the stump of the tree with its roots means that your kingdom will be restored to you when you acknowledge that Heaven rules.
Therefore, O king, be pleased to accept my advice: Renounce your sins by doing what is right, and your wickedness by being kind to the oppressed. It may be that then your prosperity will continue."
(Daniel 4:25-27)

Will it take Bill Clinton seven years to repent? For his sake I surely hope not. But there is no other route he can take and find freedom. Only the precious deliverance of Jesus could rescue a man so hopelessly afloat in the sea of relativity, pride, arrogance and power. But first Mr. Clinton must be willing. What will that take when you believe you are a "walking apostle of hope"?

© 1999 - Eric Barger

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